Weak Aura Imports Hello! I love the addon called "Weak Auras" It is a tool I simply cannot be without any longer. It has functionality like no other, you can track almost ANYTHING with it. Cooldowns, procs, auras, targets, custom text, custom unit
These are a few WeakAuras that we deem essential to playing your Fury Warrior optimally. You do not need all of them, but having any WeakAura for keeping track of your buffs and debuffs is absolutely necessary, while better tracking of Rage is simply helpful. ...
Updated the main post quite a bit as I had found a number of auras weren't able to be imported properly because of bad coding that comes out when exporting when using WA and ElvUI together. I've since updated all the ones that were broken (as far as I could tell) and added a num...
~ Youtube ~ Twitch ~ Twitter ~ Warlock Weak Auras ~ Lock One Stop Shop ~ Reply With Quote 2013-04-12, 07:28 PM #83 Metaslave Bloodsail Admiral Join Date Apr 2008 Posts 1,010 Originally Posted by Woz Just check "Automatic Icon" instead of having the specific one - should make ...
Any ETA for the updated warlock auras? REALLY love the priest layout. Also, this should be stickied. Thanks . I've been working on it in chunks since most of the auras have multi-functions. My Priest's is pretty much fully done now since everything got changed. I should have some tim...
Working on a destro warlock ui with the use of weak auras: Basically that middle bar dynamically updates to show you when you should be using immolate, conflagrate, chaos bolt etc. based upon your buffs and debuffs, spell charges etc. To use either of them, you will need to modify w...
It's the same error that comes up whenever you give an ability that naturally has no charges to it (Charge on a Warrior, for example). ~ Youtube ~ Twitch ~ Twitter ~ Warlock Weak Auras ~ Lock One Stop Shop ~Reply With Quote 2015-03-21, 03:37 PM #942 crudo Keyboard Turner Jo...
~ Youtube ~ Twitch ~ Twitter ~ Warlock Weak Auras ~ Lock One Stop Shop ~ Reply With Quote 2013-11-17, 02:10 AM #426 Khadjid Dreadlord Join Date Feb 2010 Posts 782 Originally Posted by Woz Just edit your post and put the code in between [ code ] [ /code ] (no spaces). ...
First time trying out weak auras, and i think i'll like it more once i get used to it but for now im enjoying being able to use these lovely imports you set up, thank you so much! My question is i imported one,the skull banner and it has like this line of little locks going ...
I also tried your posted Weak Auras String which was created from Zumzum but I need you help: a) I can´t run this string like Zumzum in the posted vid. The string on the vid is always visible with a darker color and turns colored once the Banner was applied. By me it always ...