I've been trying to find a Weak Aura what has all the current tiers Trinket procs in same, I am having lot of hard time of tracking my Trinket procs. I'm not sure was there any on the thread, I at least did not find any There's a full section devoted to Trinkets/Procs/Etc...
While these things could potentially be fixed in your aura setup, it'll take you a longggg time to do it. Good luck either way! Many thanks for this! 1) Yeah, ideally, I'd add a custom trigger based off your trinkets, but I'm not even sure that's possible yet. 2) Oh yeah 3...
“Between the Frontlines: Vocational Training Films, Machine Guns and the Great War.” Cinema’s Military Industrial Complex, edited by Lee Grieveson and Haidee Wasson. University of California Press, 2018, pp. 177–91.17Wasson, Haidee. “The Other Small Screen: Moving Images at the New York...
08:48 AM By the look of things, we might get WoD Classic? (LMAO) 08:47 AM The War Within 11.X Patches & World Soul Saga Speculation Thread 08:40 AM [Movie/Comic] DC Extended Universe 08:14 AM Marvelous Meeksi Pack - New Mount Bundle 08:14 AM So the Kaldorei left the Gam...
12:35 PM The War Within 11.X Patches & World Soul Saga Speculation Thread 12:33 PM How far is classic going to go? 12:26 PM The Reven Pack Raises Over $2 Million in Support of CureDuchenne 12:12 PM [Concept] Multi-Classes 12:05 PM [Megathread] Path of Exile 12:04 PM [...
12:17 PM The War Within 11.X Patches & World Soul Saga Speculation Thread 11:59 AM Patch 11.1 Undermine(d) Professions Changes 10:41 AM Additional Class Updates for Patch 11.1 Undermine(d) 10:39 AM New MoP Classic Shop Bundles - Sha-Infused Packs 10:23 AM [Megathread] Path of...
1. New Aura 2. Icon (or whatever you want) 3. Display tab -> Display Text: %s 4. Trigger tab -> Type: Status -> Cooldown Progress (Spell) for the CD and Cooldown Progress (Spell) [with the Inverse box checked] for off CD Twilight Ward (and other shield type absorbs): Code: ...
I can make a generic pet missing aura, but I want it to show when I respec to Servitude, but my felguard is still out. After playing around with it for like an hour, I still can't seem to figure out how to make weak auras detect what type of pet im using. Help :/ Reply ...
And for the AD aura - I'm really not sure why it wouldn't work for you (or spews errors) but works absolutely fine for me. Maybe it's got something to do with how WA functions with ElvUI, haven't been able to duplicate it past the first day of patch. ~ Youtube ~ Twitch ~...
I have a question about WA version of Affdots aura on the first page. Is there any way to display the numbers from Affdots too? I'm mostly interested in getting the "c" from Perfect Aim procced Dooms, I would appreciate any help. Would love this as well. The only relevant function ...