I'm looking for a small aura, roughly in the bottom-middle of my screen with the first(when its actually doing the absorbing,not having the shield on me) spirit shell for when its in effect with a timer, I haven't found a way to make one with weak auras although I haven't tried...
to be imported properly because of bad coding that comes out when exporting when using WA and ElvUI together. I've since updated all the ones that were broken (as far as I could tell) and added a number of new aura in preparation of 5.4 (trinkets, new talents, tier bonus, soul swap...
There was code on one of these Weak Aura threads where it had the resources as a bar instead of a single icon. Anyone happen to have that code saved? I beleive it was from about a week ago NVM I found it: http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/...e-people-using I know it isnt ...
I've been trying to find a Weak Aura what has all the current tiers Trinket procs in same, I am having lot of hard time of tracking my Trinket procs. I'm not sure was there any on the thread, I at least did not find any Reply With Quote 2013...
He is using his action bar addon to have 1 single button that houses only Soul Swap. The aura in my post that I linked is the "next best thing" if you aren't using a separate addon for you action bar. ~ Youtube ~ Twitch ~ Twitter ~ Warlock Weak Auras ~ Lock One Stop Shop ~...
I personally don't use that Havoc one, it was just something I threw together for someone. It's in the default spot when you first create an aura. You can modify it all you'd like for your own personal use but here is what you requested with the aura (though still in the middle ...
Ya I have a respectable rig and don't have any lag from that LUA error and haven't since I made the aura in MoP. Originally Posted by crudo is there a way to solve my second problem ? "the second problem is, my Grimoire : Doomguard wa. i try to let it show me the duration...
And for the AD aura - I'm really not sure why it wouldn't work for you (or spews errors) but works absolutely fine for me. Maybe it's got something to do with how WA functions with ElvUI, haven't been able to duplicate it past the first day of patch. ~ Youtube ~ Twitch ~...
I stopped using the aura and then reformatted and didn't save that aura so was just going my memory. I'll double check for ya. - - - Updated - - - Originally Posted by Shawx Hey Guys, Im using WA for a long time now and im still pretty good at creating things like I want ...
Weak Aura Compilations: Warrior, Mage, Hunter, Death Knight, Prot Paladin & Destro Warlock Reply With Quote 2016-08-17, 10:08 AM #1526 Deleted Hey, Absoluutly love the Demo weakauras! Got a question tough, how do I get the wild imp icon to show up on the progress bar like dread...