I have in total over 800 auras and I get 0 frames drops unless I'm using a super CPU intensive aura (like the one I have for Ra-Den). None of those auras you posted should be causing it I wouldn't imagine. They are all pretty basic auras, even the shield absorbing ones. ~ Yo...
aura_env.classTable={--Tableforstoring the spell icons.an'!'indicated single target cooldown which will include the nameofthe person who sent the aura.[1]={--Warrior"114030"--Vigilance},[2]={--Paladin"6940",--HandofSacrifice"1022",--HandofProtection"114039"--HandofPurity},[3...
i back off to range and CJL if xuen is up, or just auto attack and lay down healing spheres for the other tank/raid. i co-tank with a warrior so yea... Originally Posted by tkjnz If memory serves me right, a fox is a female wolf. Reply With Quote 2013...