Weak Aura Imports Hello! I love the addon called "Weak Auras" It is a tool I simply cannot be without any longer. It has functionality like no other, you can track almost ANYTHING with it. Cooldowns, procs, auras, targets, custom text, custom unit
I stopped using the aura and then reformatted and didn't save that aura so was just going my memory. I'll double check for ya. - - - Updated - - - Originally Posted by Shawx Hey Guys, Im using WA for a long time now and im still pretty good at creating things like I want ...
aura_env.classTable={--Tableforstoring the spell icons.an'!'indicated single target cooldown which will include the nameofthe person who sent the aura.[1]={--Warrior"114030"--Vigilance},[2]={--Paladin"6940",--HandofSacrifice"1022",--HandofProtection"114039"--HandofPurity},[3...
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I want to make a Weak Aura for the number of Dire Beasts I currently have active. While this isn't going to have a large impact on playstyle, it could be useful information to have (eg. Way of the Cobra, eventually Titans Thunder). ... Basic Weak Auras question By Audmundr Hello...
they also fail in melee because your character has to face perfectly toward your target / won't auto turn even if you stand still. Melee attacks at least hit often in melee range. And I swear to god if a melee Warrior comes in here with "but this one time..." I'm gonna lose it...
to be imported properly because of bad coding that comes out when exporting when using WA and ElvUI together. I've since updated all the ones that were broken (as far as I could tell) and added a number of new aura in preparation of 5.4 (trinkets, new talents, tier bonus, soul swap...
Would it be possible to get a weak aura for the "Mastermind" buff from Cha-Ye's Essence of Brilliance? Thanks in advance! This is what i use, simple and easy: Code: dKJSbaGEOsTlHQTjKMlk0Sb6Muk3wu(MIANu0Ej7gY(rb)uO8xOQghQ4XuXqrjgmkPHRihwkpdv5yu4CasleLYsPu1Ifvz5u1dfINQAzI0Z...
And for the AD aura - I'm really not sure why it wouldn't work for you (or spews errors) but works absolutely fine for me. Maybe it's got something to do with how WA functions with ElvUI, haven't been able to duplicate it past the first day of patch. ~ Youtube ~ Twitch ~...
He is using his action bar addon to have 1 single button that houses only Soul Swap. The aura in my post that I linked is the "next best thing" if you aren't using a separate addon for you action bar. ~ Youtube ~ Twitch ~ Twitter ~ Warlock Weak Auras ~ Lock One Stop Shop ~...