Star Trek里有个著名的种族叫Borg,半人半机器只拥有一个集体意识而无自我意识,其最有名的一句台词就是"We are the Borg, Resistance is Futile" Borg以其同化能力著称(Assimilation),通过同化不同的种族来获得不同的文化与知识。不知道为什么我看Borg的时候总会想到我们自己。 倒不是别的原因,而是华人殖民与西方...
Just finished Timothy; or, Notes of an Abject Reptile, the fictional thoughts of Gilbert White‘s pet tortoise. Verlyn Klinkenborg has really captured the pace of the tortoise’s life. The tortoise/taught us rhyme doesn’t work if you’re Scottish; we pronounce it tor-toys, not taw-TUSS...