Organic Waves、Tom Gotchi - We are the Borg 专辑: Monster Synth 歌手:Organic WavesTom Gotchi 还没有歌词哦Organic Waves、Tom Gotchi - We are the Borg / 已添加到播放列表 1 播放队列/1 1 We are the Borg Organic Waves、Tom Gotchi 05:06...
违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定 ,无法在建设 borg吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组 贴吧吧主... 5-19 16 【假如】一只狼被同化 Humphrey_Kirk 我简直丧心病狂 429 12-7 0 置顶贴的网页一个都...
分享:ST8里博格的..ST8里博格的台词“We are the Borg……is futile”时长16s大家可以拿去做手机铃声2L放链接别沉
Star Trek里有个著名的种族叫Borg,半人半机器只拥有一个集体意识而无自我意识,其最有名的一句台词就是"We are the Borg, Resistance is Futile" Borg以其同化能力著称(Assimilation),通过同化不同的种族来获得不同的文化与知识。不知道为什么我看Borg的时候总会想到我们自己。 倒不是别的原因,而是华人殖民与西方...
We are the Borg: the Web as agent of assimilation or cultural Renaissance?Charles Ess
We are Borg born as the official site of the Art-a-Tronic Open Art Project. I should thank all the contributors that are supporting the projects availability that can be shared freely through Open Source and CC 3,0 licenses to all the makers, hobbyists and passionated of hacking, upcycling...
神奇的百度翻译例句→..神奇的百度翻译例句→_→然后borg站起来说。。 We are the Borg. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add y
We are the..没错,联邦最强大的敌人——borg我记得这方块边长有300米---黑暗中,他散发着阴森的绿光强劲的相位炮还有我的滑稽呢
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