#include <hal/nrf_wdt.h> Makefile文件添加 $(SDK_ROOT)/modules/nrfx/drivers/src/nrfx_wdt.c \ 3.3 官方例程 使用sdk_config.h设置的默认值初始化 //Configure WDT. nrf_drv_wdt_config_t config = NRF_DRV_WDT_DEAFULT_CONFIG; err_code = nrf_drv_wdt_init(&config, wdt_event_handler); APP_...
6. 程序运行后,发现 Status/Data 指示灯一直亮着(系统不复位);这是因为在 main 函数中加上 了 FeedDog 喂狗函数,会定期将 WDT 定时器清 0,系统不复位。 7. 若改后一个 halWait(100)为 halWait(200),重新编译并下载程序到 ZigBee 模块中,运行代 码,发现 Status/Data 指示灯以 1s 的间隔闪烁(系统每隔...
BK_ERR_WDT_DRIVER_NOT_INIT WDT driver not init BK_ERR_WDT_NOT_INIT WDT not init BK_ERR_WDT_INVALID_PERIOD WDT invalid period BK_ERR_WDT_DEBUG_DISABLED WDT disabled via cmdline flag Header File hal/hal_wdt_types.h Type Definitions typedef uint8_t wdt_unit...
Nordic SDK在设置看门狗的CRV值时,存在一个溢出漏洞。存在漏洞的源码为nrfx_wdt.c文件的nrfx_wdt_init接口。漏洞语句如下所示。 nrf_wdt_reload_value_set((p_config->reload_value*32768)/1000); 以上计算中,p_config->reload_value的值默认为WDT_CONFIG_RELOAD_VALUE宏的的值。此宏的定义如下所示,为看门狗...
static wdt_hal_context_t iwdt_context; #if CONFIG_ESP32_ECO3_CACHE_LOCK_FIX @@ -131,19 +124,18 @@ void esp_int_wdt_init(void) void esp_int_wdt_cpu_init(void) { #if SOC_TIMER_GROUPS > 1 assert((CONFIG_ESP_INT_WDT_TIMEOUT_MS >= (portTICK_PERIOD_MS << 1)) && "Interrupt...
独立看门狗配置 配置 配置 按照这样配置生成的代码使用时看门狗会复位,喂狗了没有用,因为还没有启动看门狗在初始化看门狗后面加了句开启独立看门狗问题就解决了 MX_IWDG_Init(); __HAL_IWDG_START(&hiwdg); stm32f0独立看门狗配置 独立看门狗STM32的独立看门狗由内部专门的40Khz 低速时钟驱动,即使主时钟发生故障,...
0x4000c056: xthal_get_ccount in ROM W (101) boot.esp32: WDT reset info: APP CPU PC=0x400d3952 0x400d3952: panic_handler at /root/esp/esp-idf/components/esp_system/port/panic_handler.c:138 (discriminator 1) I (107) boot: Enabling RNG early entropy source... I (113) boot: Par...
As the hardware watchdog is NOT yet started in the init function, or at least it shouldn't be. My best guess is that it was caused by that the watchdog was started in the wdt_install_timeout() function in the stm32 driver, but this is solved by: #53690. Maybe @arbrauns can co...
0x4015620f: cpu_ll_waiti at D:/Espressif/frameworks/esp-idf-v4.3.6/components/hal/esp32/include/hal/cpu_ll.h:183 (inlined by) esp_pm_impl_waiti at D:/Espressif/frameworks/esp-idf-v4.3.6/components/esp_pm/pm_impl.c:819