步驟3.單擊 Mac 頂部的 Finder 菜單,從下拉菜單中選擇偏好,單擊一般選項卡,確認檢查「外部磁碟」下的複選框顯示這些項目,然後到側邊欄選項卡並啟用「外部磁碟」複選框。 步驟4.現在,檢查您是否可以訪問 Mac 上的 My Passport 外接硬碟。 更新您的 Finder 偏好 步驟1.單擊菜單上的 Finder。 步驟2.訪問目標硬碟...
方法1:將 WD Passport 插入另一個 USB 連接埠 你可以嘗試更改連接埠以防止「WD My Passport 無法讀取」問題。有時,連接埠會損壞並最終導致你當前面臨的問題。 以下是更改連接埠的方法: 取出WD Passport 後,您需要清潔要使用的其他連接埠。 現在,您需要將硬碟插入連接埠並檢查這是否有效。 方法2:用一條備用 USB...
建议您检查硬盘连接是否正常,尝试更换数据线或使用其他电脑连接。另外,您也可以尝试在设备管理器中查看硬盘状态,如果硬盘显示异常或有报错信息,可能需要进行修复或格式化操作。 2. 我可以自己修理WD My Passport移动硬盘吗? 一般来说,如果WD My Passport移动硬盘遇到硬件故障,建议您将其送往专业的数据恢复中心或联系厂商...
When the WD Passport drive is not working, it might be caused by the outdated device drivers. So, the best way is to update its driver via the following three paths:#1. Download and Install WD Device Driver:Step 1. Connect the problematic WD external hard drive to your PC....
WD MyPassport 移动硬盘无法访问怎么办? 1.现在很多 wd 移动硬盘有这个问题,很多都是由于平时使用过程中有震动或强行插拔导致硬盘坏道过多导致无法访问,不出盘符。这种需要不要用数据恢复软件扫描,长时间扫描回导致,盘片损坏最后就是全盘坏道,数据无法恢复。这种数据重要的话需要送修至专业数据恢复公司恢复。
How To Fix My WD Passport Not Working? Though it's impossible to instantly figure out the cause or how to fix that cause, you can still try to fix the problem by some of these methods: 1. Edit Finder Preferences One of the leading causes that your Mac might not be showing your WD ...
If your WD My Passport is not working because it is not showing up or being recognized by your computer, consider the following situations: Connection Issues: Ensure that the USB cable connecting the WD My Passport to the computer is functional. Try using a different USB port on your computer...
Older WD My Passport Not Working on Windows 11? Try These Fixes My Passport 1 1261 September 24, 2024 Old WD My Passport not working with Windows 11 My Passport 1 263 August 14, 2024 WD My Passport Ultra is not detected by WIndows11 on my new laptop. I am in need of my ...