这是单向更新。用户将无法从My Cloud OS 5回滚到My Cloud OS 3 设备必须在2.41.106固件上才能更新...
没办法重启设备,手动升级,提示我设备空间不够,没法法ssh后用下面命令updateFirmwareFromFile.sh /etc...
wd my cloud加载固件什么意思 你可跟着以下步骤。下载固件到你的桌面。解压缩文件后,你会发现这个格式实际固件:my_cloud_lt4a.1.05.xx.bin。保存至电脑做面。打开WD my cloud dashboard。点击设置,点击 Firmware update。在手动更新 (Manual update)下,点击‘更新文件’Update from file。游览至你...
2、 通过浏览器登录my cloud开启ssh功能; 3、用WinSCP连上mycloud,用户名root 密码welc0me,找到/DataVolume,在目录新建一个名为xunlei的文件夹,把之前下载的固件EmbedThunderManager、ETMDaemon、portal上传到xunlei文件夹。 4、putty连上my cloud ,用户名root 密码welc0me,打开之前创建的xunlei目录: 输入cd /Data...
[商品:西部数据(WD) My Cloud 4TB NAS 网络存储 个人云存储 WDBCTL0040HWT-CESN] 我的PC机上有5块硬盘,40GB的老硬盘,只安装了一个XP系统,另外4个数据盘分别是:500GB,1TB,2TB,2TB 500GB的硬盘作为下载数据的专用盘,频繁读写都在这块硬盘上 1TB的是游戏和照片专用,两块2TB的盘是影视作品专用 ...
Critical My Cloud Home Firmware Update Required My Cloud Home Starting March 22, 2023 My Cloud Home cloud access will not be available to any device that is not at or above firmware level 8.13.1-102. To update to the latest firmware, please power cycle the device by shutting it do… ...
For quick backup and restore when WD release newer firmware update:Beforeupdating firmware:tar zcf ...
I have a 16TB My Cloud Ex4100 configured in RAID 5. This afternoon I updated my firmware and ever since the power light has just been blinking blue and the unit says “New Firmware is Available”. This has been going on …
What I notice is the following. After a firmware update the drive reboot and is unable to get the IP address , looks like is not renewed. The only fix I found is to unplug from power supply the drive for around 5 to 10 minutes, This force the drive to make a new io request to ...
ssh -oHostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-dss sshd@你的MyCloud_IP #将uImage, uRamdisk和jessie-rootfs.tar.gz放进/boot/boot里。 # 重启MyCloud # 通过telnet链接MyCloud (telnet的ip和原ssh的ip不一样,可在路由器上查看) telnet your_device_telnet_ip