对应gen2的指导(包含两种解决思路,我用了第一种):wd.hides.su/fox_exe/WDMyCloud-Gen2/_Unbricking_en.txt 固件下载(如果gen2的就下载2.X版本固件,随便都行):WD My Cloud v3.x, v4.x and v2.x Firmware Versions Download Links - My Cloud OS 3 Personal & Network Attached Storage / My Cloud...
Firmware Version 2.21.126 http://download.wdc.com/nas/My_Cloud_GLCR_2.21.126.bin Firmware...
3rd party repo for WD My Cloud (gen 2.x firmware). Source available ongithub. Packages are provided for free and made by developers on their free time. Search Device: All MyCloudEX2Ultra MyCloudPR2100 MyCloudPR4100 WDMyCloudDL2100
My Cloud Home Starting March 22, 2023 My Cloud Home cloud access will not be available to any device that is not at or above firmware level 8.13.1-102. To update to the latest firmware, please power cycle the device by shutting it do… ...
前两天写了MyBookLive的一些应用范例 ,有朋友说想要个mycloud的,我来写写吧MyCloud基本上可以看做是MyBookLive的升级版,CPU、内存增加了,硬盘换成了红盘,又增加了usb3.0的口,不过usb口基本上没什么用,只能用于安装移动硬盘进行容量扩展罢了。下面说说怎样武装MC。
3rd party repo for WD My Cloud (gen 2.x firmware). Source available ongithub. Packages are provided for free and made by developers on their free time. Search Device: All MyCloudEX2Ultra MyCloudPR2100 MyCloudPR4100 WDMyCloudDL2100
The My Cloud OS 5 software available for My Cloud EX2100 and EX4100. It is not available for My Cloud EX4 or EX2. Please refer to this post to learn how to update your device to My Cloud OS 5. My Cloud OS 5: Firmware Av…
Its a "Beta" version of DSM, and "Alpha" of Firmware itself.Its have some bugs.But one "...
cp uRamdisk-wdrecovery/mnt/boot/boot/uRamdisk# Done. Connect disk back to WDMC and turn on.# After few minutes WDMC boots to "WD Recovery". Go to webgui and upload official firmware.# Done! 实操过程中,遇到了一点小波折:在第4步,怎么都找不到MyCloud的IP,路由器里面看不到这个设备。一开始...
前段时间入手了西数的My Cloud个人云,估计是由于国内网络环境的原因,官方的远程同步和管理功能基本连不上。于是计划用My Cloud自己重新搭一个私有云。下面记录一下折腾...