KNOW THE SPORT DISCOVER WCBS WCBS Sponsors for The World Games 2025 Chengdu WCBS is the world governing body for the Billiards Sports of Carom, Pool and Snooker. Our aim is to bring these sports to the Olympic arena and unite the global Billiards community. Carom The Union Mondiale de Bi...
WCBS有两种不同领域的释义,分别对应体育组织和汽车技术系统。具体而言,WCBS可指代国际台球运动管理机构,或是新能源汽车中的先进制动技术。以下从定义、应用场景及功能特点两方面展开说明。 一、世界台球运动联合会(World Confederation of Billiard Sports) 这一缩写主要用于体育领域,指成立...
WCBS is the world governing body for the Billiards Sports of Carom, Pool and Snooker. Our aim is to bring these sports to the Olympic arena and unite the global Billiards community. Carom The Union Mondiale de Billard (UMB) is the sole world governing body for Carom/Carombole Billiards un...
At WCBS, we specialize in providing top-quality custom printed products, marketing materials, signage, apparel, and promotional items. Our mission is to help businesses create a strong and memorable brand presence. Curated Collection Our product range includes both classic favorites and innovative, ...
WCBS制动,全称为车轮防抱死制动系统,是一种汽车安全系统,旨在防止车轮在制动过程中发生抱死现象。当驾驶员施加制动时,WCBS系统会通过对车轮的转速、车辆速度以及其他相关参数的实时监测,精确控制制动压力,以防止车轮抱死。二、WCBS制动系统的工作原理 WCBS制动系统通过先进的传感器和控制器来监测车轮的运动...
WCBS在汽车中是线控制动系统(Wire-Controlled Brake System)的缩写。这是由伯特利公司成功研发的国内首个此类系统,它的出现标志着我国在汽车制动技术领域取得了重大突破。 WCBS系统集成了多种传统制动功能,包括但不限于: 牵引力控制系统(TCS):有助于防止车辆在起步或加速时打滑。 电子稳定控制系统(ESC):在车辆失去稳...
WCBSWestern Conference on British Studies WCBSWooden Canal Boat Society(UK) WCBSWestern Conservative Baptist Seminary(Christianity; various locations) WCBSWireline Core-Barrel Sampling WCBSWest Coast Business Systems and Supplies, Inc.(Palm Desert, CA) ...