10 Ways to Respond to the Bully in Your FaceWe've heard a lot about cyber-bullying lately, and parents have their radar out for potentially...Druck, KenKaplowitz, Matt
As a teacher, you have a lot on your plate. You have been asked to complete tasks for parents, the school board, the principal, etc. Additionally, you have been asked to stop bullying in your classroom. It may seem like an impossible task. However, here are ten ways you can help pre...
Talking to your children about bullying and how it might be impacting them can help you understand what is going on. It’s important to encourage your children to answer you honestly and let them know you’re there to help if issues arise. Talking about bullying can be hard for a child....
Dealing with this fallout shouldn't be on you alone; school officials and other adults should work hard to prevent bullying in your community. But you can also take some individual control back by thinking about ways to respond to bullying behavior. Having a game plan, says Earnshaw, gives ...
There are several ways, persons who are susceptible to bullying can reduce their likelihood of being bullied. Here Are 4 Ways to Overcome Adult Bullying 1. Speak up about what you do not like. 2. Learn assertive language and techniques with which to address aggressive and passive-aggressive at...
When kids are being cyberbullied, they can walk away or ignore the person who is bullying by logging off the site where the bullying is happening, not respond to messages or block the person who is harassing them. Parents can help by setting rules on screen time, monitoring their kids’ ...
Note dates, times, and any witnesses to the cyberbullying. This documentation can be crucial if you need to report the behavior to school authorities, website administrators, or law enforcement. 4. Don’t Respond or Retaliate While it may be tempting to respond to cyberbullies, it’s often...
Did Zappos really need to respond to this post? No. It wasn’t an attack on their brand, there is no customer-service gaffe to fix. But the humorous response created a light-hearted thread that left the customer with positive feelings about Zappos. ...
Know that some schools won’t always respond to bullying immediately, unfortunately. This is why it’s essential to find ways to prevent bullying that your child can implement right away. Look for things that can help build your child’s confidence and improve their well-being. For example: ...
Bullying is a serious issue that affects the emotional, social, and academic well-being of children and adolescents across the globe. While...