一、阅读理解The ways to deal with the bullies对付被欺负的方法阅读提示:本文向你介绍了几种对付被欺负的方法。James is a good student and he has lots of friends, but he also has a problem. Some older boys arebullying(欺负) him at school. James is very unhappy and he doesn't know what ...
If someone is bullying you, it's very easy to feel scared or them and undermined when around them. It may take a while to pluck up the courage to confront them, but when you feel like you are ready, get a couple of friends to come with you and confront them about their behaviour....
This is perhaps the most recommended anti-bullying tactic, and it should be your first resort.这也许是最值得推荐的反霸凌策略,也应该是你的第一选择。Sometimes, all a bully wants to get is a reaction, and if he doesn't receive it, he'll get bored and move on.有时候,霸凌者想要得到的...
There are ways to cope with bullying even though it’s growing increasingly harder to deal with. When I was in school bullying was limited to the time school was in session. It was still a horrible and unbearable experience for those that had to endure it, but at least you knew that at...
of bullying,such as hitting or kicking.Saying or writing bad things is also bullying,including making fun of others or giving people(2) nicknames. What we can do If you are bullied,don't be afraid.It's not your fault(错误),so you should talk to your parents or teachers about it.They...
Workplace bullying is shockingly common In fact,research has shown that 75% of workershave either experienced or witnessed workplace bullying at some point. What’syourresponse to these unsavory people? I have found it to be difficult to think of something to do or say in the moment. ...
As parents, we need to stay on top of this subject to help our children learn to do the right thing and how to deal with their emotions. Bullying is prevalent in the U.S., whether as a victim or a perpetrator. In this guide, we’ll cover how common bullying is and how to prevent...
So here are 12 more ways to help youdeal with peoplethat don’t respect you. 1. Try Not To Take It Personally You’re in conversation with someone and they say something that you found offensive. Before you call them out for it and crucify them in public, try to take a step back ...
If you are wondering how to tackle cyberbullying, one of the most important steps you can take is to maintain clear records. You want to have every resource possible to deal with a harasser if and when the need arises. Take screenshots and record audio and video when necessary. Each item...
Sometimes the only answer is to let your kids deal with it themselves, as long as there is no bullying or physical attack going on. It´s good practice for the adult world, when they will have to learn how to deal with conflict and find a solution. ...