The article reports on the initiative of WBUR, the NPR News Station of Boston, Massachusetts, to find ways to prevent suicide, address mental health issues and reduce mental health stigma as part of its "Suicide: A Crisis in the Shadows" series....
80,000+ subscribersaccess to digital outreach channels to reduce stigma around mental health. You can make a difference right now! We are funded by donors like you. Join our community to help change lives. $250 $150 $100 $50 Other
These findings point to the need to further understand the social, behavioural, biological and structural factors that place African FSWs at high risk of HIV infection and establishstrategies to reduce HIV transmission in this population (Stefan, Beyrer, Muessig, Poteat, Wirtz, Decker, et al. ...
many people in our culture save sex for marriage, not because they think it’s wrong to have sex outside of marriage, but just because there’s a social stigma around it. There is also social pressure to be polite and have good manners, to ...
Regular Exercise Is So Important To Get Your Body Movingand help you reduce your stress. Have you ever noticed once you walk away from a situation that is causing you stress, you may be able to come up with a solution for the problem?
In addition to lifestyle and advanced treatments, these strategies can help manage symptoms effectively: Mindfulness Practices: Meditation, journaling, and breathing exercises can reduce stress and provide emotional clarity. Engage in Talk Therapy: Speaking with a mental health professional can equip you...
Venting and sharing are also important ways women reduce stress. In these instances, the sufferer isn’t asking you to fix them but merely feeling the need to vent and share, which is healthy. In this case, listen and empathize; don’t try to “fix.” Because you aren’t being asked ...
By actively focusing on mental health once a year, WMHD encourages us to break the stigma that surrounds mental health challenges. Many people still hesitate to talk about their mental struggles because they fear judgment or don’t know where to get help. WMHD aims to change this by promotin...
Whether that means allowing an employee to take a mental health day or offering a flexible work schedule so an individual can attend therapy appointments, make it clear you won’t penalize anyone for taking care of their mental health. 8. Reduce the stigma. Talking about stress management, sel...
Attitudes towards women who terminate pregnancy are nuanced and complex, even in places with restrictive abortion laws. It's therefore important to engage with communities and reduce abortion stigma. An overwhelming majority of participants believed that women who induced abortion should have access to ...