Try to find ways to relax during breaks, like deep breathing or short walks. Make time for exercise and hobbies outside of work to reduce stress. Set clear boundaries between work and personal time. Practice good self-care like eating well and getting enough sleep. Consider seeing a therapist...
80,000+ subscribersaccess to digital outreach channels to reduce stigma around mental health. You can make a difference right now! We are funded by donors like you. Join our community to help change lives. $250 $150 $100 $50 DONATE ...
These tips may help you beat the stigma around mental health to create a benefits package that helps your team. Increased mental health-care coverage is here to stay for companies of all sizes. According to the Society of Human Re...
The Hi, How Are You Project (HHAYP) is an Austin, TX-based 501c3 nonprofit organization with a mission to remove the stigma around mental health, one conversation at a time. The organization aims to educate people worldwide about the importance of mental health and wellbeing while promoting ...
So, it is essential to have conversations that matter to do away with the stigma that comes along. A supportive and healthy workplace culture lets you communicate without the fear of being judged. Maintain a healthy lifestyle – Ensure that you maintain an overall healthy lifestyle as it ...
(DFRLab) said in a recent article that continuing calling COVID-19 Chinese virus could be used to denigrate a group and implicitly blame Chinese people for the outbreak, despite the World Health Organization’s stepped up efforts to push back against stigmatizing terms that needlessly divide CO...
Venting and sharing are also important ways women reduce stress. In these instances, the sufferer isn’t asking you to fix them but merely feeling the need to vent and share, which is healthy. In this case, listen and empathize; don’t try to “fix.” Because you aren’t being asked ...
How can we reducehealth disparitiesin communities?One answer is by retaining a diverse workforce. A recent surveycited people of color who identify as women and LGBTQ+ people as having the lowest chance of meeting their basic needs when it comes to healthcare. ...
Ensure your employees access mental health resources, counseling, and mindfulness training. Also, tackle the stigma around mental health issues head-on. Creating a supportive environment is vital! 11. Implement employee feedbackThe art of listening speaks volumes when it comes to employee happiness....
he says. however, everyone is different, and you may need help to quit smoking longer than that. 3. form a supportive team around you. let people know you plan to quit, ylioja advises. surround yourself with people who will help you quit with no judgment and no stigma, galiatsatos ...