Work is not a simple game. Enterprises need to make money, employees need to earn income, need to survive, and customers need to meet service needs. It is a real social activity. But at the same time, I can also enjoy myself, try to find myself, know myself and do what I like ...
If a bold pattern can brighten up a break room and a splash of yellow can channel fun workplace vibes, then there’s no reason a pop of self-expression can’t make over your mood. That is why many companies are contributing to a positive work culture by providing employees with high-qu...
12 Ways TO HAVE FUN AT WorkSerfass, NickCrit
Give juggling kits to all your employees and have a “meeting” in which everyone learns to juggle. (From“Work Happy Now”). Give your employees improv training — it’s fun an it helps employees become more adaptable, improve their communications skills, and become better at public speaking...
and more committed to doing their job well. Companies like the Colorado Health Sciences Center and Southwest Airlines attest to the positive effect of fun at work. Both trace increased job satisfaction and decreased employee downtime to concerted efforts to make fun a part of their corporate ident...
Cross-training is a great way to mix up your routine and strengthen your muscles. If you're a runner--switch up your routes; enjoy the scenery instead of watching the clock; try a spin class; run in the pool; weight trail. If you're a cyclist--take a spin class; go for leisure ...
There will also be some training involved, including shadowing an existing tour guide and likely giving a mock tour to your supervisor. Once you’ve done that, you’ll be ready to give tours. Be prepared to sometimes work weekends, as those are often when colleges will give tours to rich...
It’s easy to become a certified personal trainer with an online program. You don’t need to rinse your own gym space or buy your own equipment. You can record your own workouts and sell them or meet with clients virtually over Skype for personal training sessions. You can also do this...
A 9-5 career isn't the only way to earn income. Here are 16 ways to make money without getting a traditional job.
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