When giving kudos for employees, it's essential to make sure the recognition is meaningful, personalized, and well-timed. Technology today makes it easier than ever to give kudos - from automated software programs that track employee performance to simple messaging platforms that allow you to thank...
hospitals, restaurants & more that management can implement to retain their best talent. Combine these creative recognition ideas and create a well thought out employee recognition program that aligns with your company’s standard and meets the needs of your employees!
Discover our article on 10 Great Ways to Empower Frontline Employees on LumApps, your intranet partner and specialist in employee engagement.
Sometimes, it seems like the spirit of the holiday season is lost on us. Here are a few simple ways you can give thanks to your team to inspire greater confidence and collaboration.
Although public recognition is a common way to showcase hard work by talented individuals and teams, some people simply don’t like all the fuss. Evaluate the individual’s personality and choose an appropriate method to recognize his accomplishments within the team. However, no matter what you ...
Run some key reportsto find out and recognize who has hit big revenue goals or who has been dedicated to your business the longest and celebrate together! Think of it less as a competition and more as recognition. 7. Festive Snacks at Work ...
Start checking in regularly with your employees and ask them for their perspective on projects and what’s going on at the company. Show appreciation Find ways to show your employees that you appreciate their hard work.Employee recognitioncan be formal or informal, depending on the situation. For...
1) Create A Company Culture Of Recognition And Appreciation Showing recognition and appreciation are MUSTS when it comes to motivating employees! Creating a culture of recognition and appreciation is not only important for motivating employees but crucial to overall company success as well. While a ‘...
Most experts agree that the best way to give positive feedback to your team is to do soearly and often. Informal, regular recognition can go a long way toward boosting engagement and keeping morale high. However, there are some points during the year when you should be more intentional and...
Continue to recognize milestones like tenure and Employee of the Month. Recognition of your teachers and employees does not have to stop just because most of them are working from home or remotely. If you are holding meetings through conference calls and/or websites and programs, take the time...