the varying spices in meals – gives your brain a sensory workout. Looking at similarities and differences helps the brain’s ability to think abstractly and challenges our frontallobes. Learning to see, hear, feel or taste subtle changes will enhance your sensory...
In this article, you will learn what brain regeneration, BDNF andneuroplasticityare and why are they important for brain health. You will understand the most common things that can damage your brain. I will also share 12 powerful ways to heal your brain cells and support your brain health nat...
Exercising the brain to enhance memory, concentration, or even everyday function is a high priority for most people, particularly those who are getting older. The good news is that there are plenty of ways to exercise your brain regularly to keep it healthy. Here are four ways you can do ...
From my work as a clinical neuroscientist, psychiatrist, and brain-imaging expert, here are 7 ways to enhance the functioning of your own brain and enhance your life. 1. Protect Your Brain Protecting the brain from injury, pollution, sleep deprivation, and stress is the first step to optimizi...
When two individuals release oxytocin simultaneously, their brain activity begins to synchronize. This process, called “neuronal coupling,” is the neurological biomarker of empathy and leads individuals to not only learn from each other but also to literally start thinking like each other. ...
They also found that taking dopamine reuptake inhibitors (leaving more dopamine circulating the brain and binding with other neurons) tends to enhance endurance during exercise, increasing the amount of time people work out. Additionally, they suggest that dopamine is at least partly responsible for ...
Reading is also a great way to renew and refresh your analytical thinking skills. #2 Create & craft When you create something with your own hands, you use your brain to ideate, follow instructions, and problem-solve. Studies have shown that crafting can help improve memory, enhance social ...
And while there are a lot of ways to enhance creativity in an organization with the purpose of increasing the chance for innovation, we find it most rational to start with the individuals in the organization. You can have creativity without innovation, but you can’t have innovation without ...
Ways to enhance the bioavailability of polyphenols in the brain: A journey through the blood-brain barrierPolyphenolsbioavailabilityblood-brain barriercentral nervous system diseaseBioactive molecules such as polyphenols were identified to play crucial roles in preventing the central nervous system (CNS) ...
3. Drink some orange juice. It turns out that glucose is one of the key ingredients that your brain needs for effective self-control. Willpower. It’s not just for breakfast anymore! I hope that you find my message enlightening and helpful. Some of you, I am sure, will be disappointed...