Founder stress is real, but it doesn’t have to take over your life. Learn to get it under control with these tips. EXPERT OPINION BYALISA COHN, EXECUTIVE COACH@ALISACOHN JUL 15, 2021 Getty Images Simply put, all founders have to deal withstressandanxiety. On the path tosuccess, you ...
Millions of people worldwide experience anxiety, but the good news is that there are proven ways to stop anxiety and stress. In this blog post, we will explore various strategies that can help youregain controlover your life and enjoy a more peaceful, stress-free existence. I’m Chloe Broth...
While self-help information can be beneficial, meaningful recovery requires the assistance and support of anexperienced anxiety disorder therapistbecause the issues that drive anxiety disorder are often many and complex. Self-help materials are too general and typically provide only superficial help. 3....
Shallow, fast breathing is common with anxiety. It may lead to a fast heart rate, dizziness or lightheadedness, or even a panic attack. Deep breathing exercises is a deliberate process of taking slow, even, deep breaths. It can help restore normal breathing patterns and reduce anxiety....
To help children manage times of intensifying anxiety, hopelessness and grief, here are some things Save the Children recommends parents and caregivers can do: Connect frequently with your child: Have regular check-ins during morning or evening routines, asking open-ended questions while doing activit...
Use relaxation techniques to reduce anxiety People use a wide range of relaxation techniques to help them manage chronic anxiety and avoid panic attacks. Here are fiverelaxation techniquesto reduce stress and anxiety: Do deep breathing exercises to control your breathing and calm your emotions. ...
Schedule your day.The structure of a daily routine can soothe anxiety and create a sense of control. Plan your meals.Answer “what’s for dinner?” ahead of time to eliminate that little bit of stress. Move your body.Stretch, take some deep breaths, try a few yoga poses and give your...
Mantras for anxietycan help calm you and avoid your anxiety from reaching a breaking point or freezing point. A good one right now is “This too shall pass.” Everything is temporary. Know this, breathe, and feel this. You can choose really any phrase that helps calm you. Use it when...
15 ways to help someone with anxiety disorder: if you have a spouse, family member, friend, or other experiencing anxiety disorder, here are 15 ways to help.
Traveling also puts you back in control of your thoughts. You ignore the causes of your anxiety, declutter your thoughts, and enable you to confront a problem with a clear and focused mind. If you are stressed out at home or at work, take a walk, journey to an unfamiliar place, and ...