Way of the Samurai 4 - Rare Weapons Set B (The Kinugawa Crazies) 2015 年 7 月 24 日 A set of hard to get weapons in one bundle. -80% ¥ 21.00 ¥ 4.20 Way of the Samurai 4 - Where Are They Now? Set 2015 年 7 月 23 日 A new mission set that unlocks custom parts...
DLC 此内容需要在 Steam 上拥有基础游戏 Way of the Samurai 4 才能畅玩。 购买Way of the Samurai 4 - Scroll Set ¥ 6.00 添加至购物车 关于此内容 DLC Bundle Scroll Set contains the following items: A set of scrolls for advanced skills. Includes Special Moves Scroll x10 and Legendary Moves ...
Way of the Samurai 4 PS3 (2011-03-03) PS3 (2012-09-18,DLC:Iron Set && DLC:Rare Weapons Set A - The Amihama Elite && DLC:Rare Weapons Set B - The Kinugawa Crazies && DLC:Rare Weapons Set C - The Tournament Tyrants && DLC:Ryoma Sakamoto && DLC:Scroll Set && DLC:Shinsengumi Set...
Way of the Samurai 4 - Where Are They Now? Set (Where Are They Now? Set)Way of the ...
Way of the Samurai 4 侍道4侍道4 / Samurai-dou 4Way of the Samurai 4 ACQUIRE Corp.,Laughing Jackal 2011-03-03 7.27.0 1想玩1在玩44玩过85已购买0在关注 列表贡献点评 简介 开发/发行 链接 Logo 媒体评分7.2会员评分7.0 《侍道》系列因允许玩家做出影响深远的决定而广为人知,这些决定可以从根本上改变...
老皮台【侍道4(Way of the Samurai 4)】开国篇 #01 四目相交的害羞少女 上传者:老皮实况台 22:42 老皮台【侍道4(Way of the Samurai 4)】开国篇 #02 约会初体验 上传者:老皮实况台 21:24 老皮台【侍道4(Way of the Samurai 4)】开国篇 #03 私通王者计画通 ...
ps3《侍道4 Way of the Samurai 4》中文ISO下载,侍道4 Way of the Samurai 4是一款动作游戏,这款游戏一上线就备受好评,精彩的玩法和流畅的画面让很多玩家爱不释手,千万不要错过! 《侍道4》是由SPIKE制作并发行的一款角色扮演游戏,它是《侍道》系列的续作。该游戏以武士生活体验为特色,是一款动作冒险游戏。
PC《侍道4 Way of the Samurai 4》免安装中文版下载,侍道4是经典动作冒险游戏侍道系列的一部作品。原作是PS平台上的游戏,这是它的PC移植版本。喜欢这个类型游戏的玩家不要错过。 类型:动作,冒险 开发商:ACQUIRE Corp. 发行商:Spike Chunsoft Co., Ltd. ...
The Way of the Samurai is forged in battle Play as a ronin during Japans Meiji Restoration in the volatile Rokkotsu Pass. The swordsmith Dojima falls into debt and his beautiful daughter is taken as collateral. Help repay the debt by crafting swords by