《战国无双4-2(Samurai Warriors 4 II)》女武将DLC衣装 羞羞尺度看齐《死或生》 KT社旗下PS4/PS3/PSV平台新作《战国无双4-2》在此前的完成发布会上公开了一组女性角色的DLC服装,现在这些DLC确定将会在游戏发售同日开始配信,特别衣装单件均为191円(含税),打包购买2160日元,以下为高清组 ...
KT社旗下PS4/PS3/PSV平台新作《战国无双4-2》在此前的完成发布会上公开了一组女性角色的DLC服装,现在这些DLC确定将会在游戏发售同日开始配信,特别衣装单件均为191円(含税),打包购买2160日元,以下为高清组图,卖肉节奏不逊死或生啊! 《战国无双4-2》将于2015年2月11日发售,平台为PSV/PS3/PS4,中文版上市时间...
“Total 18 costumes from the original "SAMURAI WARRIORS" title will be added. These unique costumes will give a fresh look to every battlefield!” ¥ 99.00 发布于 2015 年 9 月 29 日 “All-in-one pack of Edit Parts.” 精选 ¥ 21.00 ¥ 88.00 ¥ 15.00 ¥ 99.00 ¥ 18.00 ...
战国无双4Ⅱ是PSV游戏平台上一款动作类(ACT)类型的游戏。 游戏名称:战国无双4Ⅱ 游戏原名:戦国無双4-II 英文名称:Samurai Warriors 4-Ⅱ / Sengoku Musou 4-Ⅱ 游戏大小:2.94GB 游戏类型:动作类(ACT) 游戏语言:中文 游戏版本:中文版 破解版 发售日期:2015-06-25 开发厂商:Omega Force 发行厂商:Koei Tecmo ...
SAMURAI WARRIORS 4 Scenario Pack 2 Sign In to Rate Global player ratings 4.95Average rating 4.95 stars out of five stars from 21 ratings 21 ratings 95% 5% 0% 0% 0% New stages, 'Fathers and Children' & 'Nobunaga's Greatest Crisis' and new items, 'Father and Son Cups' & 'Portu...
标签: 战国无双4-2 战国无双4-2 游戏制作:KOEI TECMO GAMES CO., LTD. 游戏发行:KOEI TECMO GAMES CO., LTD. 游戏平台:PC/PS4/PS3/PS Vita 上市时间:2015-09-30 游戏标签:历史砍杀无双单人 8.2 想玩 玩过评分 暂无购买渠道 众评|专区|资讯|攻略|下载|图片|视频|官网评论...
电脑手机掌机平板玩的《战国无双4本传(Samurai Warriors 4)》全DLC 10K分辨率 绿色版 解压即撸#游戏 该游戏有PSV版,所以可以手机平板玩,游戏优化了三代的引擎、画面和战斗系统以及人物、物品设定,并且优化了队友N - 好游天天见于20240413发布在抖音,已经收获了128个
Samurai Warriors 4-II Developers Omega Force Publishers Koei Tecmo Release dates Windows September 29, 2015 Reception OpenCritic 75 IGDB 75 Taxonomy Monetization One-time game purchase, DLC Microtransactions None Modes Singleplayer, Multiplayer Pacing Real-time Perspectives Third-person Controls Direct ...
Legendary costumes for your SAMURAI WARRIORS officers will be added. Enjoy fighting battles in an all-new way. ■Content Legendary Costumes for: Hanzō Hattori, Yoshimoto Imagawa, Tadakatsu Honda, Ina, Ieyasu Tokugawa, Musashi Miyamoto, Kojirō Sasaki, Takatora Tōdō, Naotora Ii, Munenori Yagyū,...
Players will receive items to power up their Samurai Warriors in game, along with gold which can be used to purchase or strengthen weapons. ※This season pass is also included with the "SAMURAI WARRIORS 5 Digital Deluxe Edition"※The DLC included in the Season Pass is planned to be sold se...