inrandommedia – anisotropicscatterers – light-controlWe experimentally study the wavelength dependence of light propagation in a water suspension of lithium niobate microcrystalline particles. First, the ballistic transmission in the visible range of the suspension is measured. The nonlinear ...
Those lasers produce one wavelength of light that doesn't stop unless the power is cut. 这些激光器产生一个具有波长的光,它不会停止,除非电源被切断。So cones hit by underwater rays are primed to sense longer-wavelength yellow light. 因此从水面下的锥体对长波黄光敏感而水面上的锥体对短波绿光敏感...
When operated correctly, free-floating microorganisms will be killed by the UV light. Note that the organisms must be in the water that flows to the UV sterilizer. The UV light has no residual effect and will not kill organisms attached to fish (e.g., adult...
in the rats, a warning sign of pre-diabetes.To investigate what happens with appetite control and food choice after exposure to blue light at night, in the follow-up study, the rats were given the option to choose among a nutritionally balanced food, water, pig fat, and sugar water. Afte...
Light scattering and color change are two major sources of distortion for underwater photography. Light scattering is caused by light incident on objects reflected and deflected multiple times by particles present in the water before reaching the camera. This in turn lowers the visibility and contrast...
Always keep the wires in the proper place and free of items that may cause damage, twisting and stress. C. The probe should be completely cleaned by water ( be sterilized with alcohol ) every time before being used to the next customer, ...
The System use special laser with long Pulse-Width 808nm, can penetrate to hair follicle .Using selective light absorption theory, laser can be preferentially absorbed by the melanin of the hair and then heating the hair shaft and hair follicle, more...
4 Liter Heat insulation water tank, surrounding by Heat insulation material, always keep water temperature below 20C 5. Safety electric wires All cold-compressing molecules accurately produced by Advanced machine 6. The Chunk of each...