The graviton modes in fractional quantum Hall liquids manifested as chiral spin-2 long-wavelength magnetorotons. (The hypothetical spin-2 bosons was pointed out as early as 1939.), which appears to be similar to a graviton. “Gravitons correspond to gravitational waves, the latter of which has...
The fine-scale seismic features near the inner core boundary (ICB) provide critical insights into the thermal, chemical, and geodynamical interactions between liquid and solid cores, and may shed light on the evolution mechanism of the Earth’s core. Here, we utilize a dataset of pre-critical...
where λ is the wavelength of the light in a vacuum but not in the medium. If (nχ) is equal to 1, then in a layer of the medium of thickness λ the light intensity is decreased to 1/e4π—that is, to approximately 1/100,000—of its initial value. Very strong light absorption...
The field (geometrical) theory of specific heat is based on the universal thermal sum, a new mathematical tool derived from the evolution equation in the Euclidean four-dimensional spacetime, with the closed time coordinate. This theory made it possible to explain the phenomena of scaling in the...
When waves approach a shore, the orbital motion of the water particles becomes influenced by the bottom of the body of water and the wavelength decreases as the wave slows. As the water becomes shallower the wave steepens further until it “breaks” in a breaker, or surf, carrying the water...
A schematic of the working principle of the purity monitor is shown in Fig. 2, left. An optical fibre transmits the light from a xenon flash lamp to the centre of a photocathode. The incident photons produce electrons via the photoelectric effect. The electrons are drifted via extraction, dr...
Experiment CHVE-282 contains two large grains of clinopyroxene and pigeonite (1000 µm in size: Fig. 1d). Dmineral−melt were determined for all phases. Due to its size (~ 15 µm), pigeonite in run product CHVE-281 was measured only once, which inhibits a reasonable error ...
ionic liquidstransverse modeslong wavelength modesCoulomb interactionsCoulomb singularityhydrodynamical modesmicroscopic theory/ A4735 Waves in fluid dynamics A5235 Waves, oscillations, and instabilities in plasmaThe long wavelength modes of a system of two kinds of particles are studied starting from first ...
For the constant concentration of the AuO in all the studied solutions ([AuO]0), the intensity of the fluorescence at the wavelength of the light emitted λ changes with the total concentration of surfactant (CS,0) in the solution according to the relationship [30,31]: 𝐹(𝜆,𝐶𝑆,...
The modulus q of the scattering vector, related to the scattering angle 2𝜃 and to the X-ray wavelength 𝜆=1.54 Å by the relationship 𝑞=(4𝜋/𝜆)sin𝜃, was fixed between 0.01 and 0.35 Å−1. For each sample, twelve bidimensional and isotropic SAXS patterns were collected ...