Li et al. (2019) studied a complete low-frequency band gap in a thick elastic steel metamaterial plate. The resonator-type structure consists of periodic, double-sided, composite stepped resonators, which are deposited on the EM thick plate. They used the FE method for band structure, power-...
As of today we have 464,654 downloads available in our members database! The members area is now 100% complete with new added features. We hope you enjoy the downloads as much as we do! Goldwave 6.35 Sample Results From Member Downloads ...
The presented program has all the necessary tools for quick and accurate processing and further editing of sound. The application can work with a large number of different audio formats, the complete list is always available on the official website, I will write only a few: WAV, MP3, AU, ...
Feeling underfed, the moon demands sustenance, providing you with an upcoming opportunity to sate its seemingly endless appetite for blood! The moonlit path you’ll take to heed your lunar overlord’s howl for sustenance is ready to be travelled. Players can complete up to three tasks a...
Due to the broad and overlapping absorption bands of Fe3+in the VSWIR spectrum, with weak spectral fingerprint characteristics, previous studies have likely overlooked the role of changes in 400–450 nm, 480–550 nm, 640–730 nm, and 850–1000 nm band absorption intensity in the complete VS...
To perform the electroelastic coupling of the PEH system, three modules of COMSOL MULTIPHYSICS, including solid mechanics, electrostatics, and electrical circuit modules, were chosen to complete the analysis. The solid mechanics module is used to compute mechanical stress and strain of the structure ...
Also, when servicing the wave power device, the complete tube portion including the gear mechanism can be removed and replaced. The above described devices 10 and 10′ and 110 may for instance be deployed in areas with moderate wave conditions, namely 2-6 meter seas, and they may form part...
Eaton lens as an extension of GRIN lens for arbitrary refraction angles in spherical geometry can also be realized in acoustics by controlling the mass density inside of the lens with constant bulk modulus. 180° acoustic Eaton lens has been recently reported but, the complete demonstration still ...
Is it just me or could it be that our Founding Fathers were the only lawyers in the history of the world who were not complete blood sucking pieces of garbage? Thank you Greg. MAGA. Reply james 08/05/2018 • GREAT interview, just hop esome of his predictions start to happen ...
MMMax B needs ta eat a bag of baby dicks and fix his life...complete waste of beats GodDam!!! »loginto post comments FUCK U HATERZ U HATERZ CAN Submitted by EAT A DICK HATERS (not verified) on Tue, 10/07/2008 - 7:53pm. FUCK...