A complete three-dimensional model of A-C plate transmission coefficient reconstruction for anisotropic plates is given by Lobkis and Chimenti [115] and models of both A-C reflection and transmission are reported by Zhang and Chimenti [116,117], exploiting the complex-transducer-point method of ...
It is interesting that a complete negative refraction region for all polarized waves can also be realized by engineering the 2D PC structure60, 64. Therefore, the same structure and parameters yield the relative refractive index of n = − 1 at the same frequency for both polarized waves. ...
Inattention in such case is insusceptibility; and if this be complete, then to demand attention is very much like demanding of the eye that it should attend to sound-waves, and of the ear that it should attend to light-waves. — Henry Maudslay As quoted in William W. Speer, Primary ...
As of today we have 464,654 downloads available in our members database! The members area is now 100% complete with new added features. We hope you enjoy the downloads as much as we do! Goldwave 6.35 Sample Results From Member Downloads ...
A 57-year-old employee in a military scientific institute was found acephalous in a supine position in an anteroom to the bunker. On the walls was abundant spattering of blood and tissue, concentrated above shoulder height. A mobile ignition device stood on the control desk. The complete destru...
Complete seismic properties obtained from microcrack fabrics and textures in an amphibolite from the Ivrea zone, Western Alps, Italy Microcracks are most effective at low confining pressure, but are largely closed at about 200鈥 300 MPa. Microscopic studies revealed that the crack fabric is characteri...
Nonlinear elastic effects can be generally attributed to the interaction of guided Lamb waves (GLWs) with material micro-flaws, which produce clapping motion and frictional contact at crack interfaces. In micro-damaged media that manifest anharmonicity at the atomic/molecular scale such as aluminium, ...
In the last ten years, it has become recognised that crack-induced shear-wave splitting, with azimuthal anisotropy, is an inherent characteristic of almost all rocks in the crust (and upper mantle). This indicates that most in situ rock is pervaded by stress-aligned fluid-saturated cracks...
Having developed expressions for Green's function and its temporal Fourier transform, we are now in a position to complete the solution in Eq. (2.38) for the pressure due to a harmonic source of frequency ω0. From Eq. (2.45), the phase is η = −k0|x| + π/2, where the wave ...
In a subsequent step, the complete elastodynamic fundamental solution along with its spatial derivatives and an asymptotic expansion for small argument, are all derived in closed-form using the Radon transform. Next, a non-hypersingular, traction-based boundary integral equation method (BIEM) ...