Since the photogenerated electrons and holes are respectively taken as negative and positive charge carriers, it is understandable that they would easily be trapped by the formed opposite electrostatic fields on the surfaces. Surprisingly, it is confirmed based on the transient absorption spectra that ...
between 1986–2002 and 2009–2013 was likely related to land-use change and intensification of human disturbance in the lower Mekong basin during at last 20 years (e.g., [18]) and/or river bed-bank erosion due to imbalance between sediment transport and sediment trapped in the reservoir [...
Having less producers of MD technology Limitations of MD permeate flux, due to a further mass transfer resistance caused by trapped air through the membrane Reference [9,19,33–35] [9,19,33] [19,36,37] [18,33] [33,36] [8,38] [8,33] [33] [33,39] [33] [8,33] [8,33,38...
country’s regulations and meet the basic need for a fire-safety officer available for action at all times (someone feeling faint or trapped in a lift, water damage, etc.), and to go on rounds. 更新设备尽管不可或缺的而又刻不容缓,但如果不遵守东道国的强制性规定,...
These results probably represent the pigment level in the blood trapped in the organ's vasculature as seen in spleen, lung, and heart. Furthermore, the results also suggest that pigment diffusion into the organs is negligible. The pigment 4 clears rapidly from the mouse body, and within 30 ...
It seems, therefore, that research have been trapped, to some extent, in applying new metaheuristic optimisation methods to relatively simple (from an engineering perspective) design problems, without understanding the underlying principles behind algorithm performance. Moreover, study [177] stresses that...
Groundwater salinity influenced by Holocene seawater trapped in incised valleys in the Red River delta plain. Nat. Geosci. 2017, 10, 376–381. [CrossRef] 34. Lide, D.R. (Ed.) CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 86th ed.; CRC Press: Boca Raton, FL, USA, 2015; p. 5585, ISBN...
(b–d). It is assumed that the hydrophobic properties of the coating may be principally due to the air trapped in the nanoscale gaps of the almost super hydrophobic surface, which decreases the area of interaction between the soil and the coating and assists soil to roll- off from its ...
In the case of photon absorption followed by formation of so-called bound excitons and their subsequent decay to free charge carriers and/or centers with trapped carriers, the red limits of the final process of creation of surface-active centers will be the same—see for example the studies ...
Alternatively, the chemical reactivity of H2O•+ was arisen not long after the discovery of hydrated electron in 1962. Hamill et al. [7,8] suggested that holes in water could be trapped prior to hydration using sufficiently high concentrations of solutes such as NaX (X = Cl, Br, F, I...