We analytically solve the problem of nanoscale transport phenom- ena with the help of the continuum approach and boundary treatment. Importantly, we clarify the contribu- tion of interface effects, especially the role of near-wall viscosity, which has not been thoroughly studied in the context of...
After the first HER on polished Pt electrode based on DI water, the used Pt electrode was just rinsed with DI water without further polishing treatment in sequent experiments based on DI water, HRHBW, DI water and HRHBW in sequence. The HERs in the first and the third experiments based ...
materials Review Utilization of Eco-Friendly Waste Generated Nanomaterials in Water-Based Drilling Fluids; State of the Art Review Rabia Ikram 1,*, Badrul Mohamed Jan 1,*, Akhmal Sidek 2 and George Kenanakis 3,* 1 Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Malaya, Ku...
Being a practical and effective wastewater treatment, MD has been the topic of worldwide investigation by many researchers and scientists. Besides, the interest in MD processes has rapidly grown over the recent years. Table 1 gives up-to-date and interesting information concerning the application ...
If subjects in the study appear side effects and harmful responses, they can withdraw the trial freely and be given timely treatment by researchers. 2.16. Auditing of Trial Conduction Trial conduction will be audited by competent authority in the college every day, and the process will be ...
However, current sensitizers suffer from several deficiencies that limit their application, including mainly: (1) relatively weak absorption in the visible spectral range which limits the treatment to shallow tumors; (2) accumulation and long retention of the sensitizer in the patient skin, leading ...
To the extent CBT no longer sees like an exciting, new, insight-producing, progress-making modality, maybe it loses its efficacy. In other words, maybe we really have just succeeded in making more treatment-resistant depression… I suspect the same thing will happen with CBT. It’ll be craz...
Do not expose a child to SCUBA diving until you are certain he or she is ready.26 ● Children under 12 years are more likely to suffer "ear squeeze" because they have more difficulty equalizing ear pressure on descent. Therefore is special attention to ear clearing techniques a critical ...
After 24 h of treatment, the medium was removed and cell viability was measured using MTS reagent, according to a previously described method [47]. Three independent experiments were performed in a microplate spectrophotometer at 490 nm (EPOCH 2, BioTek Instruments, Winooski, ...
Our study provides comprehensive information about the changes in plant gas exchange and water status under drought. Drought is considered to be one of the most devastating natural hazards and is a pervasive climate phenomenon across the world. It has been predicted that drought will become ...