For Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, newly calculated and archival data for the area, mean depth, total volume, mean salinity and fresh water input are presented. Estimates of the residence time of the water, derived from 22 sets of monthly mean values, were related to estimates of the fresh...
Dave, atOcean State Tackle in Providence, told me that the tautog bite remains strong throughout Narragansett Bay and on the rockpiles out front. The fish are still relatively shallow and shore anglers are also cashing in. Anglers have been reporting some strong striped bass fishing around the ...
and embayments of Narragansett Bay over the past 20 years have influenced the public's perception of the general health of the coastal waters of ''the Ocean State,'' and have cast a pall over otherwise significant improvements in wastewater and coastal zone management for the bay as a whole...
The floodwaters also poured vast amounts of raw sewage (污水) into the rivers and streams that flow into Narragansett Bay.It sounds like the makings of an environmental nightmare but in fact it’s just the opposite. To scientists’ delight the sewage-loaded floodwaters have caused a well-...
The concentrations of radionuclides of the U-Th series (238U,234Th,234U,230Th,226Ra,210Pb,210Po, and232Th,228Ra,228Th) in the water of Narragansett Bay are reported. Analysis of the total, particulate, dissolved and colloidal forms of Th isotopes reveal a consistent removal behavior which...
"The impact of water quality in Narragansett Bay on housing prices." Water Resources Research 53(8), 6456-6471.Liu, T.; Opaluch, J.J.; Uchide, E. The impact of water quality in Narragansett Bay on housing prices. Water Resour. Res. 2017, 53, 6454-6471. [CrossRef]...
A double low water is observed at Providence, RI, near the head of Narragansett Bay on days when there is a flattening of the low water tidal curve at Newport, at the mouth of the bay. The flattening is caused by an unusually large quarter-diurnal component to the tide at Newport. The...
NARRAGANSETT Bay (R.I.)NEWPORT (R.I.)TIDESTIDE-watersBAYSWATERWe investigate a mechanism for producing double-lows and double-highs in the semi-diurnal tide by selective amplification of higher harmonics in a resonant gulf. A double low water is observed at Providence, ...
The study based on a small survey conducted on Narragansett Bay during the summer of 1980 develops several empirical models to estimate the total costs of MSD conversions. These estimates assume that all recreational boats longer than 21 feet were to comply with Section 312 regulations. Biological ...
Appendices included in this volume are: problem identification, plan formulation, public views and responses, design and cost estimates, recreation and natural resources, social and cultural resources, economics, and hydrologic analysis. (Author)*FLOOD CONTROLKelly, K. ACorps of Engineers...