Vessel traffic and positions - Narragansett Bay Shipping - Tides - Weather - RI Broadcasters Association -
factors may also mask or prevent a recovery process, such as illegal fishing with trawlers; increased legal, non-trawling fishing efforts; declines in pH; weather abnormalities; ongoing marine construction work in the Pearl River estuary, and insufficient time for recovery at the time of this stud...
taking tourists out for day sails around Narragansett Bay. It was the perfect summer job. I could get sea time towards my captain’s license. I was outdoors and physically active. The money was great. I learned that my tips were better if I wore shorter shorts and really jumped and ...
Working on a beach in Narragansett Bay, USA, he assessed the amount of litter washing ashore over one month. The first study of beach litter dynamics was conducted in Kent, United Kingdom, from 1973 to 1976. Dixon and Cooke (1977) showed that the weekly retention rate of marked bottles ...