Table I. Compilation of the Percent Colloidal Fraction of Metals in Dissolved (Generally <0.45 /μm) Estuarine and Coastal Waters LocationSalinityCutoffAlMnFeCoNiCuZnAsCdPbSeHg Nearshore Bothinic Bay, Baltic Sea 1.4–3 3 kDa 84–96 (Gustafsson et al., 2000) Buzzard's Bay l k Da 2...
Table 1. Some of the various ways that springs have been classified Classification typeCategories (examples)Sources Geology Location of discharge Subaerial (emerges onto land surface) Subaqueous or submerged (emerges underneath a large body of water Sublacustrine (emerges beneath a lake) Subriver...
The modeled groundwater flow rates support quite well the presumed hydrological conditions. The mismatch of topographic and groundwater divides (as depicted in Fig.6) and associated gains and losses are quantified through inter-catchment flow rates (Table2). For example, about 80% of the groundwa...
suggesting that groundwater CH4inputs could entirely sustain CH4evasion rates in summer12,13. However, since both mire CH4production and export to receiving waters are highly dependent on environmental factors such as temperature, water table depth, active layer ...
e change (L) and ∆h is the change in groundwater level (L) over a specified p3e.rRioedsu(∆ltts)a(nTd). Discussion 3. Results and Discussion 3.1. Clustering Results 3.1. CFluivsteervinagriRabesleuslt,sas presented in Table 1, were used for the cluster analysis. To account for ...
The groundwater (GW) and surface water (SW) interaction (SW-GW) through the hyporheic zone is a significant component in sustainable water resource management. The complexities in SW-GW interactions increase from a local to a regional scale and are affec
Bed was a little firm for me but not bad. The view from the master bedroom is awesome. You can access the Balcony from master bedroom and living room. Balcony Has a steel round table and 4 comfortable chairs and you can see the pool area and the beach, it was...
Within-year fluctuations of the water level were only provided for two periods (winter and spring), but were highly correlated (Online Resource 1). Some sites exhibited large variations (coefficient of variation) every year (e.g. site 11; Table 2), others had much more stable water levels ...
Nearly one-quarter (22.6%) of Gulf Coast well levels within 10 km of the coast lie below sea level (Table1; Fig.2). At least half of all well water elevations are below sea level in 40.1% of studied coastline segments (Fig.4b). At least half of all measured well water elevations...
In this study, we utilized four spectral vegetation indices (VIs), which are indirectly related with canopy water, NDVI, NRred edge, CIgreen, and CIred edge, and six water-sensitive spectral VIs including WI, MSI, SRWI, NDWI, NDWI1640, and NDWI2130 (Table 2). The goal of this study ...