removeHandles() Removes a group of handles owned by the object. Accessor toJSON() Object Converts an instance of this class to its ArcGIS portal JSON representation. Symbol3DLayer Method Details addHandles Inherited Method addHandles(handleOrHandles, groupKey) Inherited from Accessor Since: ...
Rather, they vary by basin, depending on how the GSPs within the basin define sustainability. When aggregated to the groundwater basin level, 3–80% of domestic wells, and 0–65% of public supply wells are vulnerable, respectively (see Fig. 3 and Supplementary Table 2 for a complete view...
The modeled groundwater flow rates support quite well the presumed hydrological conditions. The mismatch of topographic and groundwater divides (as depicted in Fig.6) and associated gains and losses are quantified through inter-catchment flow rates (Table2). For example, about 80% of the groundwa...
The main significant differences in water level were first depicted by the water level in June, which was highly representative of the yearly water regime (Online Resource 1): water levels ranged between 0.18 and 0.87 m across sites in June (Table 2). Within-year fluctuations of the water le...
by lead pipes in household plumbing. Within a week, however, Snyder had announced a $12 million plan to switch back to the DWSD as Flint’s water supplier. Experts noted that such a move would do nothing to address the damage already done to Flint’s water supplyinfrastructureby more than...
TheKcusually increases from <0.1 to about 0.8 inwine grapes, and up to 1.3 in largetable grapes, depending on seasonal shoot growth and canopy size (Evans et al., 1993;Williams and Ayars, 2005;Williams, 2014). By applying amounts of water that are lower than ETc, the soil is allowed...
Due to the practically limitless supply of water vapor from the oceans, this approach is sustainable under climate change and can transform our ability to address present and future water security concerns. This approach is envisioned to be transformative in establishing a mechanism for sustainably ...
Water level management is an effective tool for the ecological restoration of shallow lakes. In this study, we developed an ecologically-based approach to estimate the monthly suitable ecological water levels (EWLs). This approach took both the lake topo
The basic information about the lake complex is presented in Table 1. Table 1. Summary of the basic information about the lake complex in the Tianshan region. No.Lakelongitude (°E)latitude (°N)Level MethodWater type 1 Balkhash 75.81 46.64 Altimetry Lake 2 Kapchagay 77.63 43.80 Altimetry ...
water table decline and absolute groundwater depth can trigger declines in vegetation health12,13. This is because phreatophyte species can often tolerate or adapt to gradual changes in groundwater levels, but if these changes are prolonged or abrupt, it can result in a range of functional or...