Today the EU must deal with a new legal framework: the new water framework directive (WFD) (60/2000/EC). This directive sets up new criteria for water management and promotes the need for policy changes in sectors using water, such as agriculture. This paper deals with the problem of wate...
European legislation detailing the Water Framework Directive (WFD) came into force in December 2003, providing a clear framework for the protection, improvement and sustainable use of water across Europe. STL have been working on a development programme to help organisations meet the analytical requirem...
Casadevall S (2019) Sustainable development: meaning, history, principles, pillars and implications for human action: literature review. Cogent Soc Sci 8(5):3–10 Google Scholar Claassen M (2013) Integrated water resource management in South Africa. Int J Water Gov 1(2013):323–338 Google ...
Since the year 2000, any risk assessment in European waters is made by the holistic river basin approach of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) of the European Union [1,4]. The chemical status of water bodies is to be assessed in terms of compliance with the quality standards (QSs) and ...
The Water Framework Directive (WFD) has been the catalyst for a considerable amount of data collection, analysis and research, covering a wide range of physical and biological characteristics and involving a wide range of scientific, social and management-related disciplines. This paper starts with ...
Chapter 6.2:The European Water Framework Directive beyond 2010: Let Actions Speak Louder than Words Brils J, Quevauviller P, Slob A, Blind M, Davy T, Carere M, Amorsi N, Brack W, Borchers U, Thomspon C, Villessot D (2010) The European water framework directive beyond 2010: let action...
these might be highly impactful discharges. It remains to be determined whether these ‘dark’ discharges (i.e., previously unknown) could help to explain why 80% of surface water bodies in England are assigned a bad, poor or moderate status classification within the Water Framework Directive21...
2. A brief history of WQI models The development history of the WQI model is presented graphically in Fig. 2. Although WQI models have only been developed over the last 50 years, water quality indices were being used for classification of water quality as far back as the mid-1800 s (Abba...
The objective is to describe the role of groundwater modelling in addressing the issues raised by the Water Framework Directive, and its application to the Llobregat Delta, Barcelona, Spain. In this case modelling was used to address Water Framework Directive in the following: (1) Characterisation...