Alexopoulou, A., and C. Makropoulos (2005) Water Framework Directive implementation in Greece. Proc. 9th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, pp. 56-65, September 2005, Rhodes, Greece.Voulvoulis N.: "Water Framework Directive: implementation in Greece - Alexopoulou,...
1.2 Background to the Water Framework Directive Common Implementation Strategy...7 1.3 Issues cov...
Decision Support for Water Framework Directive Implementation:Volume 3 is a concrete outcome from the Harmoni-CA concerted action as part of a 4-volume series of Guidance Reports that guide water professionals through the implementation process of the Water Framework Directive, with a focus on the ...
The SPI-Water project worked out a number of concrete actions to bridge these gaps in communication by developing and implementing a 'science-policy interface', enhancing the use of RTD results in the Water Framework Directive (WFD) implementation. This project is part of a wider EC perspective...
Programmes of measures shall be established at the latest nine years after the date of entry into force of this directive And all the measures shall be made operational at the latest twelve years after that date Measures Implementation Programmes of measures shall be reviewed, and if necessary upd...
Decision Support for Water Framework Directive Implementation Volume 3的创作者 ··· Peter A·Vanrolleghem 作者 我来说两句 短评 ··· 热门 还没人写过短评呢 我要写书评 Decision Support for Water Framework Directive Implementation Volume 3的书评 ··· ( 全部0 条 ) 论坛 ··· 在...
1.2 Background to the Water Framework Directive Common Implementation Strategy...7 1.3 Issues cov...
Measures implementation Basic measures COMBINED APPROACH for point and diffuse sources the emission controls based on Best Available Techniques; or the relevant emission limit values; or in the case of diffuse impacts the controls including, as appropriate, Best Environmental Practice ... s11600-019-00273-7 Parés M, Brugué Q, Espluga J et al (2015) The strengths and weak- nesses of deliberation on river basin management planning: ana- lysing the water framework directive implementation in Catalo- nia (Spain). ...