This study investigates how deep-learning can be configured to optimise the prediction of 2D maximum water depth maps in urban pluvial flood events. A neural network model is trained to exploit patterns in hyetographs as well as in topographical data, with the specific aim of enabling fast pred...
Edward Elgar Publishing, UK, pp 280–299 Google Scholar Mogomotsi PK (2018) A review of formal institutions affecting water supply and access in Botswana. Phys Chem Earth Parts A/B/C 105:283–289 Google Scholar Molle F (2008) Nirvana concepts, narratives and policy models: Insights from...
Rosenberg et al. (1999)applied HUMUS, the Hydrologic Unit Model of the US to the Missouri and Arkansas-White-Red water resource regions that overlie the Ogallala aquifer. They imposed three GCMs (GISS, UKTR and BMRC) projections of future climate change on this region and simulated the chang...
Here, we use a random forest machine learning model to provide a high-resolution (1 arcsecond, roughly 30 m at the equator) spatially explicit global map of probable GDEs in dryland regions. The goals of our map are to: (1) generate a conservative (low) estimate of the likely prese...
In this study, 35 deep well groundwater samples were taken from test bore holes (-243 m depth) in three various periods: Winter, monsoon and rainy season (Fig. 1). Each water sample was collected by acidic-washed plastic bottle (500 mL and 100 mL). The sample bottles were fully filled...
Abingdon, UK. Polybius, a Greek historian of the Hellenistic period, recorded that Arsaces III, one of the Parthian kings, tried to destroy some qanats and interrupt water flow to make it difficult for Seleucids to advance toward the Parthian capital, (ibid.). Improved transportation, well-...
Climate Strategies,, Accessed May 2020. Energy Management Center, Kerala, (2018), Energy efficiency study of agriculture pump sets in the state of Kerala. Kerala State Productivity ...
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In this section, the EX-maps are evaluated using the reference map. Then, two EX-maps generated over the River Severn, UK (study site 1) and Beledweyne, Somalia (study site 3) are described and analysed in detail. Finally, the sublayers of the EX-map are evaluated with different refer...
Research on regional groundwater resources and quality in the UK has often focussed on shallow aquifer systems (less than around 100 m depth), because of greater access and use, and greater potential vulnerability to contamination from surface activities. However, interest in the hydrogeochemical...