Water Cycle Algorithm Source code (Written in MATLAB)Ali, Sadollah
The fundamental concepts and ideas which underlie the WCA is inspired from nature and based on the observation of water cycle process and how rivers and streams flow into to the sea as can be seen in nature. Cite As Ali Sadollah (2025). Water Cycle Algorithm (WCA) (https://www....
Water cycle algorithm Global optimization Required metadata Current code version C1 Current code version v1.0 C2 Permanent link to code/repository used of this code version https://github.com/ElsevierSoftwareX/SOFTX-D-15-00035 C3 Legal Code License MATLAB Site-License (Korea University, License Numb...
Available in IFORS: http://ifors.org/developing_countries/index.php?title=WCMFO_(hybrid_water_cycle_moth-flame_optimization_algorithm)_source_code Available in Mathworks: https://nl.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/67168-wcmfo-hybrid-water-cycle-moth-flame-optimization-algorithm-source-codeDOI...
To overcome these difficulties, we have applied several well-known popular metaheuristic algorithms (Water Cycle Algorithm (WCA), Artificial Electric Field Algorithm (AEFA), Teaching Learning Based Optimization Algorithm (TLBOA), Grey Wolf Optimizer Algorithm (GWOA), Sparrow Search Algorithm (SSA), ...
The quality of underwater images is often affected by light scattering and attenuation, resulting in a loss of contrast and brightness. To address this issue, this paper proposes an underwater image enhancement method: improved Fick’s law algorithm-base
B. Maximum likelihood from incomplete data via the EM algorithm (with discussion). J. R. Stat. Soc. B 39, 1–38 (1977). Article Google Scholar Yi, C. et al. Climate control of terrestrial carbon exchange across biomes and continents. Environ. Res. Lett. 5, 034007 (2010). Article ...
In this study, the MLR algorithm was used to simulate and predict water quality parameters and indices. All of the analyzed physicochemical parameters (i.e., pH, EC, TDS, TSS, TH, Ca2+, Na+, Mg2+, K+, Cl–, HCO3–, SO42–, NO3–, Cr, Zn, Fe, Pb, and Ni) were used as ...
All the programs, as provided in Supplementary Code 1, were coded in MATLAB (R2018b). Symbiotic organisms search (SOS) algorithm Symbiotic organisms search (SOS) is a meta-heuristic optimization algorithm, that simulates the interactive behaviors of organisms23. Organisms rarely live in isolation ...
Both low soil water content (SWC) and high atmospheric dryness (vapor pressure deficit, VPD) can negatively affect terrestrial gross primary production (GPP). The sensitivity of GPP to soil versus atmospheric dryness is difficult to disentangle, however,