The Warriors is a cult classic film from 1979 that follows the journey of a gang from Coney Island, New York, as they try to make their way back home after being falsely accused of killing a powerful gang leader during a citywide gathering. The story begins with a large gathering of all...
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Martial arts enthusiasts are in for a treat with this thrilling kung fu epic covering four resilient warriors fighting against ruthless oppressors in ancient China. Packed with stunning fight choreography and breathtaking scenery, it's sure to satisfy fans yearning for breakneck-paced action co...
The film opens with a stylized animated sequence that sets the tone for the movie. It highlights Yang's journey from his homeland in China to the American West, where he is pursued by his former clan. The animation is colorful, imaginative, and provides a glimpse of what is to come. Upo...
Skye Stracke stars as the warrior leader in 'Nova.' Although “inspired by true events,”“Nova” clearly isn't tethered to them, using the underlying story of 19th-century female warriors in an African kingdom as the jumping-off point for a rousing action vehicle, augmented by plenty of ...
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Adventures from the Book of Virtues Adventures in Odyssey Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog Aeon Flux Agent Elvis AI Football GGO Akbar and Birbal all Stories Hindi Akedo: Ultimate Arcade Warriors Aladdin Albert the Fifth Musketeer ALF Tales ALF: The Animated Series Alice Through the Looking Glass ...
Another exciting entry from Gina Prince-Bythewood, The Woman King brings the legend of the female warriors of the African Kingdom of Dahomey to the big screen in a powerful, exciting movie. Oscar-winner Viola Davis goes full-on action star as the warriors' leader alongside Lashana Lynch, Shei...