The Warriors is a cult classic film from 1979 that follows the journey of a gang from Coney Island, New York, as they try to make their way back home after being falsely accused of killing a powerful gang leader during a citywide gathering. The story begins with a large gathering of all...
Most of the cast members that made up the titular street gang in the 1979 cult classic The Warriors reunited on the Q Train on September 13th to take one last ride together to Coney Island, where hundreds waited at a fan-organized event celebrating the Walter Hill-directed film. “These su...
The Warriors: Directed by Walter Hill. With Michael Beck, James Remar, Dorsey Wright, Brian Tyler. A street gang known as the Warriors must fight its way from the Bronx to its home turf on Coney Island when its members are falsely accused of assassinatin
list brings together the best movies about female warriors, meticulously ranked by enthusiasts and fans who value both character depth and badass battle sequences. Crowdranking ensures these picks reflect popular opinion, giving you a place to vote for your favorites or discover new ones to watch...
In conclusion, An Empress and the Warriors is a visually stunning and emotionally engaging epic that showcases the talents of its cast and crew. The movie is a must-watch for fans of Chinese historical drama and martial arts movies, as it delivers on both fronts with aplomb. The movie may...
Video tells the
67. The Warriors (1979) Firstly, let’s clarify that when we say that The Warriors is one of the best action movies of all time, we are talking about the theatrical cut (avoid the director’s cut, trust us). But, if you are watching the correct version of this cult classic, then,...
We’ve gathered the family around the table to celebrate F’sgiving, a thing we just made up in which we care enough to watch a film featuring F. Murray Abraham. In this case it’s “Last Action Hero,” a movie that Wikipedia claims is a cult classic. We don’t know about that,...
Watch the Warriors vs. Grizzlies live stream from abroad with a VPN Derek Malcolm / Digital Trends MLK Day will be the first of three meetings between the Warriors and Grizzlies. The two teams willplay again in early February and late March. Because of their recent playoff battles, this m...
Admittedly, it's not technically an action movie in the traditional sense, but if you can't sneak a Scorsese movie full of guns, blood, and death into this kind of list, then why are we even here? This Netflix movie is a must-watch, and you can read more about it in our five-...