The Warriors is a cult classic film from 1979 that follows the journey of a gang from Coney Island, New York, as they try to make their way back home after being falsely accused of killing a powerful gang leader during a citywide gathering. The story begins with a large gathering of all...
In conclusion, An Empress and the Warriors is a visually stunning and emotionally engaging epic that showcases the talents of its cast and crew. The movie is a must-watch for fans of Chinese historical drama and martial arts movies, as it delivers on both fronts with aplomb. The movie may...
Most of the cast members that made up the titular street gang in the 1979 cult classic The Warriors reunited on the Q Train on September 13th to take one last ride together to Coney Island, where hundreds waited at a fan-organized event celebrating the Walter Hill-directed film. “These su...
Watch now The Old Guard (2020) (Image credit: Netflix) Just when we thought summer would pass by without a blockbuster movie, we get a thrilling, action-packed treat in The Old Guard. Four immortal warriors, led by the ancient and badass Andy (Charlize Theron), have been helping ...
Admittedly, it's not technically an action movie in the traditional sense, but if you can't sneak a Scorsese movie full of guns, blood, and death into this kind of list, then why are we even here? This Netflix movie is a must-watch, and you can read more about it in our five-...
Ironically, these men and women recognize how harsh and offensive their words are, but they are convinced that they have every right to let out their emotions. Watch this film now.
Worst type of movie everBut there has never been a snuff film released in theatres and we should be really lucky about that Why would I want to watch a movie where someone actually is murdered? IS THIS EVEN LEAGAL!? This is just creepy beyond words.. Drama I really don't see any ...
TWILIGHT OF THE WARRIORS WALLED IN The film follows the journey of troubled youth Chan Lok-kwun as he enters the Walled City, a place in the midst of chaos. He learns to deal with the problems and learns important life lessons. Release Date:2nd January ...
Watch the Warriors vs. Grizzlies live stream from abroad with a VPN Derek Malcolm / Digital Trends MLK Day will be the first of three meetings between the Warriors and Grizzlies. The two teams willplay again in early February and late March. Because of their recent playoff battles, this mat...
Warriors of the Future Warriors of Future | Official Trailer | Netflix - YouTube Watch On Synopsis: A meteorite brings an extraterrestrial life to the earth. When powerful alien creatures threaten humanity, Commander Sing Lee's elite forces are almost wiped out, and the surviving soldier Tai...