23 Raider outpostsUnlocks Dealers (Armor dealer,Booze joint,Chems dealer,Gear dealer,Outfit dealer,Weapons dealer)xx0277D1 38 Raider outpostsTribute chestxx0277D2 Notes Unlocking the third rank of this perk will coincide with obtaining theHostile Takeoverachievement....
Ninjago Wiki Four Weapons Blacksmith Top Pages this Week Season 3 (Dragons Rising) 1 Forbidden Five 2 Thunderfang 3 Jay 4 Elemental Powers 5 Concept art References ↑Ninjago Wildlife#Iceberg Whales ↑2.02.1https://web.archive.org/web/20161009202644/http://www.lego.com/en-us/ninjago/accessories...
Energy weapon (DEX/23/3): For all weapons powered by Power packs.Skills that two or more characters need: Medic (IQ/15/2): Put this on two characters for healing early on. Getting 2 from the beginning is not worth the cost. Doctor (IQ/21/3): Get this for everyone that lacks a ...
Fallout: Wasteland Warfare includes an entire narrative campaign arc as well as unique random missions with narrative-style objectives, and Crew Caps recovered in missions can be used to improve the crew’s perks, weapons, gear, and upgrades for the next encounter. In either Player vs. Player...
1.1 自动武器Automatic Weapons Automatic Weapons技能数值 影响冲锋枪、突击步枪的命中率,使用它们高级武器的条件,以及解锁对应的专精学习 官方推荐加点:协调、意识、速度 但实际冲到敌人堆十分容易暴毙,并且在搭配配件的情况下射程足够远,不需要太多的移位 由于这个技能里混了2种不同武器,在构建Build的时候只需学习其中...
Tinuvia的Bullseye Weapons(BEFF) Tinuvia的船长Crash Chem Reliance(LELF) Tinuvia的船长Crash Chem Reliance(RERF) Tinuvia的Catchy Patch Clothier 冰淇淋和Powerarmor修复由Myrmarachne (新!)Tinuvia的军事盈余(RELF) (新!)Tinuvia的核Nellie(LERF)
Over 150 weapons. No two players will have the same experience. Steam Features: Wasteland 2 supports Cloud Saving so you can sync your saves across multiple computers!Director's Cut New Features: Complete Graphics Overhaul: Rebuilt in Unity 5, Wasteland 2's environments and characters have ...
Due to its resilient, noxious biology the wasteland camel cannot be knocked out with narcotic weapons. Using calien soup or fria curry to sync oneself with its metabolism is the only way to safely approach it, after which it can be fed narcoberries, spoi...
Release highlights include poisons for melee and unarmed weapons, new throwing weapons, the return of NV's lock forcing mechanic, and some various new consumables. More detail available in the changelog of 1.51 and on the Wasteland Imports Wikia. ...
Damage to the underbelly can only be done by projectiles, players with melee weapons, small to medium sized tames, bleed can be applied to underbelly. (Lights include Flashlight, Electric Prod, Z fruit, Charge Lantern) · Placed Charge lanterns and Light Pets can provide a nice deterrent ...