Unlike the Capital Wasteland, which was nearly obliterated by nuclear weapons, this place has areas that are virtually untouched by time and brimming with technological artifacts. I think I've cataloged more in my short time here than in my entire tour at the Citadel. I don't know if I'...
(可以点WL2.exe右键属性查看版本)下载地址:s/1c1lzxAg使用说明:直接解压覆盖到 Wasteland 2 Director's Cut\Build\WL2_Data\StreamingAssets\Localization 目录进入游戏后选择语言为简体中文特别鸣谢原版汉化团队,mako4,3DM对废土汉化的大力支持,Copyright © 2015-2019 废土2DC汉化联盟 All rights reserved.本人参与...
Their training ground for new weapons and battle tactics. Skua brings a full new storyline to Killsquad: expect new locations, all-new enemies and bosses, and new contracts for you to take. And yes, there's also new quests, cosmetics for you to show off your skill, new victory ...
Choose from hundreds of mods; mixing limbs, armor, abilities, and weapons such as the all-new lightning chain gun. Even customize their paint schemes and choose their voices! (For characters level 15 or higher.)Automatron marks the first add-on release for Fallout 4. In April,... See ...