“Will you meet me in the Square in the afternoon?” A great blush on Catherine’s part had been the answer to the declaration I have just quoted. She turned away, heedless of his question. “Will you meet me?” he repeated. “It is very quiet there; no one need see us–toward ...
Organised by the Naval Heritage History and Command’s (NHHC), the competition’s aim is to create a modern museum for Naval veterans and the public, a new building and ceremonial courtyard to reflect the Navy’s values and legacy. The campus would consist of approximately 270,000 square ...
Accessible via all Metro lines at Dupont Circle, Farragut North, McPherson Square, Farragut West and U Street/African-American Civil War Memorial/Cardozo stations. Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Connecticut avenues intersect at Dupont Circle, a roundabout that lends its name to the surrounding area...
书名:Washington Square 华盛顿广场 难度:Lexile蓝思阅读指数1030L 作者:Henry James亨利·詹姆斯 出版社名称:Signet Classics 出版时间:2013 语种:英文 ISBN:9780451416773 商品尺寸:10.7 x 1.6 x 17 cm 包装:简装 页数:240 Washington Square《华盛顿广场》是美国作家亨利·詹姆斯创作的一部中篇小说。该书曾连载于《谷...
In 1790 theU.S. Congressestablished a 100-square-mile (260-square-km)territoryto serve as the permanent seat of the federal government. (The territory was later named the District of Columbia, within which the city of Washington was built.) The location for the new territory was centralized...
a development that owes much to Seattle’s role as one of the world’s leading centers for the manufacture of high technology and for Internet-based commerce. Inc. town, 1865; city, 1869. Area 83.9 square miles (217.3 square km). Pop. (2010) 608,660; Seattle-Bellevue-Everett Metro Divi...
Want to see a different New York? We invite you to stay at the historic Washington Square Hotel in the heart of Greenwich Village. You'll love it.
Washington Square Park & 紐約大學NYU 抵達紐約後的第一天早晨, 氣溫攝氏零下十度, 不過天氣看似不錯, 出大太陽耶! 吃完早餐後, 第一站就到華盛頓廣場散散步! ⇩紐約必訪的公園,你看了嗎?⇩ ►【紐約】必遊景點|空中鐵道公園High Line Park (高架公園)~將曼哈頓的城市美景一覽無遺!
tooltip 所有星級的標示皆可作為您判斷舒適度、設施服務與備品完善度的參考指標,資料由住宿方提供。 103 Waverly Place, 格林威治村, 紐約(NY), 美國, 10011 很讚 得分自 1113 篇評鑑 8.8 / 10 華盛頓廣場飯店 (Washington Square Hotel)住宿評鑑的真實住客評鑑 ...
However, our Founding Farmers Reston Station restaurant has a 48-seat private dining space and our DC sibling restaurant, Founding Farmers & Distillers located in the Mt Vernon Square neighborhood, has the General’s Parlor, a 16-seat private dining room tucked away on the lower level for a ...