Washington Square, the name evokes the eponymous novel by Henry James (1843-1916), who, indeed, spent much of his childhood there and in the novel recalled some of his earliest experiences: It was here ... that you had come into a world which appeared to offer a variety of sources of...
亨利·詹姆斯(Henry James) Henry James(Washington Square) Dr. Austin Sloper, a wealthy and highly successful physician, lives in Washington Square, New York with his daughter Catherine. Catherine is a sweet-natured young woman who is a great disappointment to her father, being physically plain and...
纽约市华盛顿广场公园(Washington Square Park): 14个月前(上)和今天(下). û收藏 42 156 ñ719 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...法律博主 4 毕业于 哥伦比亚大学 3 公司 New York 阳光地产开发集团 查看更多 a 69关注 117.2万粉丝 16357...
纽约 华盛顿广场(Washington Square Park) 介绍 华盛顿广场位于格林威治村与东村中间,被纽约市最波希米亚的自由与颓废环绕着,西边的格林威治村自广场建立后,即成为作家、艺术家的栖身之所。东村的身段稍低,庞克族与实验剧场在此出没。以华盛顿广场为中心的方圆一公里内,有好咖啡馆、好酒馆、好餐厅,还有彻夜不眠的...
1917- John Sloan, a famous artist who painted realistic scenes of New York and its people, brought his friends Marcel Duchamp and Gertrude Drick up into the Washington Square Arch in an act of protest 1940s- Members of the progressive and counter-cultural Beat movement were known to camp out...
提示:地址:Washington Square Park, New York, NY 10011 城市公园 喷泉 广场 雕像/雕塑 游玩时间: 建议1-2小时 官方网站: http://www.nycgovparks.org/parks/washington-square-park 开放时间: 全天开放门票信息: 免费开放当前页面URL:http://www.948v.com/jingdian/jd981366.html ...
Washington Square Park & 紐約大學NYU 抵達紐約後的第一天早晨, 氣溫攝氏零下十度, 不過天氣看似不錯, 出大太陽耶! 吃完早餐後, 第一站就到華盛頓廣場散散步! ⇩紐約必訪的公園,你看了嗎?⇩ ►【紐約】必遊景點|空中鐵道公園High Line Park (高架公園)~將曼哈頓的城市美景一覽無遺!
网络纽约大学区和华刑顿场园 网络释义 1. 纽约大学区和华刑顿场园 ... ·帝国大厦( The Empire State Building) ·纽约大学区和华刑顿场园(New York University Area and Washington Square Park) ... download.citimy.cn|基于8个网页
In Washington Square (1880), Henry James reminisces about the New York he had known thirty years before as he tells the story of Catherine Sloper and her fortune-seeking suitor Morris Townsend. This perceptively drawn human drama is James' most accessible work and an enduring literary triumph....
University of Keele Washington Square markstheculmination of James's apprentice period as a novelist.Withsharply focused attention upon just four principalcharacters,James provides an acute analysis of middle-class mannersandbehaviour in the New York of the 1870s, a period of great changeinthe life...