The real flaw in Crossan’s argument in my opinion is that he assumes that Jesus must have been like the majority of people who lived in the same time and place as him and he does not allow for the entirely reasonable possibility that Jesus might have been better educated than most people...
3 Now there was a Pharisee, a man named Nicodemus who was a member of the Jewish ruling council. 2 He came to Jesus at night and said, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs you are doing if God were not with him.”...
Lord of the Sabbath - Jesus was going through the grain fields on a Sabbath, and his disciples picked some heads of wheat, rubbed them in their
the Lord Jesus Christ, and are sailing blindly on without divine chart or compass, hoping somehow to find our desired haven. We have certain leaders who are rank materialists; they do not recognize God nor care for Him; they spend their time in one round of parties after another. The Ca...
Jesus Christ was not a so-called or self-styled "Jew". During His lifetime Jesus was known as a "Judean" by His contemporaries and not as a "Jew", and Jesus referred to Himself as a "Judean" and not as a "Jew". ...Except for His few followers at that time in Judea, all oth...
John 3 Now there was a Pharisee, a man named Nicodemus who was a member of the Jewish ruling council. He came to Jesus at night and said, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs you are doing if G
Jewish Community of Berkshire Rabbi Zvi Solomon criticized Grylls last Thursday, arguing on X that Jesus and Mary were Jews. "Her name was Miriam. She lived in Judea. Jesus was born in Judea," said Solomons. "It’s spoken of explicitly in the New Testament." ...
Meeink wasprompted to take a DNA test after (((a friend))) commented that he “looked Jewish”. He told the New York Post: “I just wanted to see if it was true, I wanted to see if it was real.” He said finding out thathe is 2.4 per cent Ashkenazi Jewishon the side of h...
48“How do you know me?” Nathanael asked. Jesus answered,“I saw you while you were still under the fig tree before Philip called you.” 49Then Nathanael declared, “Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the king of Israel.” ...
Jesus on Screen: Jim Caviezel, Willem Dafoe and Christian Bale on Portraying Biblical Messiah 17:13 Jim Carrey's Hollywood Evolution in Never-Before-Seen Interviews | ET Vault Unlocked 17:03 Denzel Washington's Journey to Hollywood Titan in Unseen Interviews | ET Vault Unlock...