The question of why Jesus of Nazareth didn’t write down any of his own teachings has puzzled many Christians and non-Christians alike. From the perspective of a literate person in the twenty-first-century west, it makes little sense why a person who saw himself as a prophet would not bot...
“Rabbi!” he exclaimed, and gave him the kiss. 46 Then the others grabbed Jesus and arrested him. 47 But one of the men with Jesus pulled out his sword and struck the high priest’s slave, slashing off his ear. 48 Jesus asked them, “Am I some dangerous revolutionary, that you ...
“The one I kiss is the man; arrest him and lead him away under guard.”45Going at once to Jesus, Judas said, “Rabbi!”and kissed him.46The men seized Jesus and arrested him.47Then one of those standing near drew his sword and struck the servant of the high priest, cutting off ...
In "The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire", the English historian Edward Gibbon had written on the biological origins of Jesus. He wrote that Jesus had his origins in the pagan Idumean people who had been forcefully converted by the sword by the priest/king John Hyrcanus...
48 Now the one who was betraying him had given them a sign, saying, “The one whom I kiss—he is the one.* Arrest him!” 49 And he came up to Jesus immediately and* said, “Greetings, Rabbi,” and kissed him. 50 And Jesus said to him, “Friend, do that* for which you have...
John 3 Now there was a Pharisee, a man named Nicodemus who was a member of the Jewish ruling council. He came to Jesus at night and said, “Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher who has come from God. For no one could perform the signs you are doing if G
This action also sets the stage for Jesus to demonstrate His power over nature, reinforcing His identity as the Son of God. “Teacher, don’t You care that we are perishing?”The title "Teacher" acknowledges Jesus' role as a rabbi and leader, yet the question reveals the disciples' ...
Clearly, one of them is praying. Prayer is so universally understood to be an activity of the religiously observant, regardless of how broadly defined the religion may be, or how broadly defined the observance levels may be. As a Rabbi, I think that’s a good thing. ...
Was Jesus of Nazareth a Rabbi? Is the Kingdom of Judah in Israel? Was King Nebuchadnezzar II an Israelite? Was King Nebuchadnezzar II Jewish? Was Marcus Aurelius related to Hadrian? Does Josephus mention the Christians keeping the sabbath? Did Emperor Tiberius visit Jerusalem? Was Jesus of Naza...
This also emphasizes His fulfillment of the role of a rabbi, who would regularly teach in public spaces. teaching in the temple courtsThe temple courts were central to Jewish religious life, serving as a place for teaching, worship, and gathering. Jesus' teaching in this location signifies His...