#飞机 #A10 A-10 Thunderbolt II,通常被称为"Warthog"或简称"Hog",是一款专为近距离空中支援(CAS)设计的美国空军专用#攻击机。以下是关于A-10飞机的简要介绍: 1. 设计目的:A-10的主要任务是 - 老高不老于20240726发布在抖音,已经收获了262.8万个喜欢,来抖音,记录
A-10攻击机(绰号:疣猪Warthog或猪Hog) (31) A-10攻击机(英文Thunderbolt II),常被美军昵称为“疣猪”(Warthog)或简称“猪”(Hog),通称:费尔柴尔德A-10“雷电Ⅱ”攻击机,是美国费尔柴德公司生产的一种单座双引擎攻击机,负责提供对地面部队的密接支援任务,包括攻击敌方战车、武装车辆、炮兵阵地及重要地面目标等...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jniiYpNcEvE&t=316s 一名美国空军A-10“战猪”教练飞行员分解了她在执行任务时携带的每一件物品,包括G套装、头盔和iPad。Lindsay“MAD”Johnson上尉解释了为什么每件物品对飞行都很重要,以及它们是如何使用的。 A US Air Force A-10 "Warthog" instructor pilot breaks down...
A-10攻击机(英文:A-10,绰号:Thunderbolt II,译文:雷电II,常被美军昵称为疣猪“Warthog”或简称猪”Hog”,通称:费尔柴尔德A-10“雷电Ⅱ”攻击机),是美国一型单座双引擎攻击机。#a10攻击机 #坦克 #终 - 猎奇-飞车小黄于20240317发布在抖音,已经收获了1.7万个喜欢
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLx9ENui3YY&list=PLP1RlhOjgp0_dy3QuB7AfCG9SHfYRN4YP&index=14 31,108 views 26 Oct 2018 Model: A-10 Thunderbolt II Warthog Jet out Depron (foam material) Engine: Electro Accu 4s Lipo 1200mah 12x Servo Take-off weight: 1,7Kg Pilot: Daniel Hör...
The A-10 Thunderbolt is also known as the Warthog, the 'flying gun' and the Tankbuster. The aircraft was used extensively during Operation Desert Storm.
The A-10 "Warthog," officially the A-10 Thunderbolt II, has a close air support, anti-tank mission.
The A-10 Warthog, a twin engine US Air Force ground attack jet, was designed and built from the wheels up for the sole purpose of supporting ground forces. Outwardly ugly and ungainly, the A-10 is one of the most efficient aerial killers ever to take to the sky. Sheathed in 900 pound...
照片 关于 E 这架A-10攻击喷气机属于第74个战斗中队. 图片 包括有 分谴舰队, 突发事件, 费尔柴尔德 - 115009557
Limited Edition Gicleé Prints...$275 22" x 14.5" The A-10 demonstrates its prowess with the Maverick air-to-ground missile. "Burn It Down" by Rick Herter $145.00 "Fighting Season" by Rick Herter $165.00 "Fight Like a Girl!" by