标签: a10 loud volkfield hardwoodrange military aircraft gun thunderbolt weapon jet fieldrecording flight warthog fly shoot ——— 类似的声音 ——— A10 Warthog " A10 Thunderbolt (" Warthog") 30mm GAU炮 by nicStage 来源Freesound 详情 下载 wav 2.9 MB 2343 kbps ... 描述:炮的实弹射击。
One of the best combat narratives from the Gulf War. You'll ride along in the A-10 Warthog on perilous missions over Iraq and Kuwait. Hogs in the Sand has been called a new "military aviation classic."
Tag: blackpowder coachgun coachgun 遥远 遥远的变体 火 枪 射击 猎枪 武器 A10 Warthog " A10 Thunderbolt (" Warthog") 30mm GAU炮 by nicStage 来源Freesound 详情 下载 wav 2.9 MB 2343 kbps ... 描述:炮的实弹射击。最初的尖锐声音是子弹进入超音速状态,次要的咆哮声是实际射击时的声音,随后到达...