Guess I ain’t fixing sh*** Phase 1 warrior will be garbage, looking forward to phase 2 already and SoD didn’t even launch yet :D. -2 Reply Andrew Ramsey 1 year ago would be nice if commanding shout had reduced CD from 10 minutes to 1 minute, make tanking easier -21 Reply ...
One of the BIGGEST issues tanking as a Warrior , in my opinion , is threat. We have no aoe option , yes Challenging at 26 which is a long cooldown , so we suffer from big pulls. Example. Yes it was only RFC , BUT if it was this bad in the first dungeon then I shudder at BF...
Has the widest array of tanking tools in WoW Classic SoD, with multiple defensive cooldowns and well established tanking tier sets Shield Blockallows you to remove critical hits and crushing blows from the combat table by itself, without extra runes or higher level skills and gear being needed W...