Can become an off-tank on some fights with little effort Due to the way Rage works, you will never run out of resources, and the more damage you take, the more Rage you get to DPS with Fantastic PvP spec, with access toMortal Strikeand multiple offensive and defensive abilities and cool...
Unbridled Wrathis unfortunately not that good for two-handed playstyles, as the more often you attack, the more often you activate this talent for extra Rage. Piercing Howlcan provide a reliable source of soft crowd control in an emergency. Whether it is because the tank lost aggro on some...
Unbridled Wrathsuits dual wielding well, as the more often you attack, the more often you activate this talent for extra Rage. Piercing Howlcan provide a reliable source of soft crowd control in an emergency. Whether it is because the tank lost aggro on some enemies or because you need to...