Powerful Fiend Warlock Build for Baldur's Gate 3. BG3 High Damage Fiend Warlock. Best Race, Spells, Cantrips, Skills & Abilities.
Best BG3 Warlock Build Guide. Baldur's Gate 3 High Damage Warlock, Great Old One Subclass. Best Race, Spells, Cantrips, Skills & Abilities.
Mana is a secondary resource for Affliction Warlocks. Your main spells do not cost much Mana to cast and will never threaten your Mana pool. Utility spells, such asDemonic Gateway, and Crowd Control abilities, such asFear, cost more Mana than ever before, so be wary about using them too ...
The damage over time, coupled with the pet, is generally strong enough to leave the targets severely weakened, if not outright dead, by the time they can be finished off with AoE spells. Curses, crowd controls, and pet off-tank can substantially reduce the amount of incoming damage, ...
Note that a sorcerer sacrificing one tier 7 spell(sequencer) and 3 tier 3 spells(skull trap) can unleash 60d6 damage in a instant. People even say taht 5e warlock is worthless compared to 3.5e. Siebenfinger Posts: 9 April 2020 No, you always need boundaries in a game. Imagine if ...
When you’re not in Meta, some of your spells generate this resource as you cast them. When you go into Meta, your spells all cost Demonic Fury, and it also drains at a constant rate of 6 per second, and the maximum you can have is 1000. Going into Metamorphosis gives you a ...
tier31_2pc > 0 and 4 or 0 ) end, type = "Magic", max_stack = 1, copy = 325640 }, -- -- https://wowhead.com/beta/spell=246985 soul_shards = { id = 246985, duration = 3600, max_stack = 1 }, -- Talent: Consumes a Soul Shard, unlocking the hidden power of y...
Affliction Warlocksare the masters of drains and DOTs (DamageOverTime spells.) The Affliction Warlock can use Drain Tanking to great effect. Set the pet to round up targets, DOT ’em up, use the drains to stay healthy, rinse and repeat. You can use the same abilities to great effect in...
Affliction Tier 6, level 45 Dark Caller reduces the CD of your Summon Darkglare by 1 minute. That spells now has a 2 min. CD and does damage in addition to increasing the damage of any DOTS on your target. Pretty nice. Haunt damages the target and increases your damage by 10% for ...
tier31_2pc > 0 and 4 or 0 ) end, type = "Magic", max_stack = 1, copy = 325640 }, -- -- https://wowhead.com/beta/spell=246985 soul_shards = { id = 246985, duration = 3600, max_stack = 1 }, -- Talent: Consumes a Soul Shard, unlocking the hidden power...